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SEREbuckeye;1228230; said:
Congrats to Phelps - AGAIN! Im loving that we are kicking ass, but I am about fuckin sick of ESPN and their updates on the win/losses BEFORE they are even aired out here on the west coast.

Really? I didn't know Brett Favre was in the Olympics.

Here in the EDT zone we're getting this stuff live, but that will change next week. I read that most of the prime time stuff (track & field) will be tape delay for the entire US, not just the west coast.

Oh yeah - I know you haven't seen this yet (sorry) but the US just added a seventh swimming medal (silver) in the fourth final of the night. The US had two swimmers in that final who were not favored at all, and finished 2nd & 4th.
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jlb1705;1228227; said:
The USA is really kicking into high gear tonight at the pool. 3 finals, 3 gold medals, 6 total medals and 2 world records.
+1 more medal with Rebecca Soni picking up the silver in the 100m breaststroke. 7 out of a possible 8 medals in 4 races... pretty dang good. This was the kind of night the US needed to keep pace with the Chinese.

EDIT: You beat me to it... that's what I get for goofing around and not saving my post.
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SEREbuckeye;1228230; said:
Congrats to Phelps - AGAIN! Im loving that we are kicking ass, but I am about fuckin sick of ESPN and their updates on the win/losses BEFORE they are even aired out here on the west coast. Thats like tellin me the score of the OSU game before I watch it! They truly do know how to piss peple off...

Anyways ...had to get that out there! :biggrin:

Go Phelps! Kinda feel odd saying that with him being a scUM guy and all.

Dude, the games are in China, not New York. Duh! :biggrin:
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[quote='BusNative;122825;1]:smash: I have to remember to stay away from this thread... damn west coast delay[/quote]

Also have to stay away from MNF and the main page of ESPN.com!

Stupid tape delay! lol. Time to put on the old DBUs and head to work.
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...And about an hour after winning a gold medal, he goes out and posts the best time in the semis for the 200m Butterfly.

His turns are just amazing - and devastating to the rest of the field. Heading into the final 50m he was down about a half body length to the leader. Coming out of the turn he was in the lead by that same margin.

Also, Men's Gymnastics is kind of an afterthought, but the USA team (with Buckeye Raj Bhavsar) is in position to medal after 3 of 6 rotations. China is expected to dominate this event and win the gold going away. They are trailing the US team at the moment by .825. I don't think they'll hold off the Chinese, but the silver or bronze would be a nice accomplishment after the withdrawl of the Hamm brothers.
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Those last 2 dismounts from the high bar were incredible. A double with a triple twist, and a triple, and they were both stuck dead perfect.
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I'm no gymnastics expert, but the Chinese didn't look all that special to me on the vault. This is what frustrates me about "sports" where the outcome is determined completely by judging. Those Chinese scores on the vault looked a bit inflated by home advantage and reputation.
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jlb1705;1228286; said:
I'm no gymnastics expert, but the Chinese didn't look all that special to me on the vault. This is what frustrates me about "sports" where the outcome is determined completely by judging. Those Chinese scores on the vault looked a bit inflated by home advantage and reputation.

Yeah, and we can't buy a holding call... :p
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