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That relay was just plain awesome. One of the most exciting Olmpic moments I've seen live. I left a welt on my wife's palm high-fiving her. She was NOT amused. :p

Jake;1226767; said:
I'm kinda enjoying the Poland women's volleyball team. :biggrin2:

Women's volleyball is one of my favorite things to watch. :yow1:
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I am going to be in Paris the end of the month. Gonna have to find some swimming t-shirt to piss them bitches off. Freeken cheese eaters.

Tao, just for you. My favorite Olympian of all times.

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Jake;1226767; said:
I'm kinda enjoying the Poland women's volleyball team. :biggrin2:

Bucky Katt;1227712; said:
That relay was just plain awesome. One of the most exciting Olmpic moments I've seen live. I left a welt on my wife's palm high-fiving her. She was NOT amused. :p

Women's volleyball is one of my favorite things to watch. :yow1:


That team from Poland was solid all around... Well, not at playing volleyball as it turns out, but they were nice to look at. Usually (especially with those former Eastern Bloc countries) you can expect maybe a couple of lookers and then a bunch of bruisers with the same haircut as Jim Lampley. That Polish team was nice though. Too bad they stink at volleyball and aren't gonna make it past the group stage.

BTW, I think that Chinese "women's" gymnastics team was recruited out of the ball pit at Chuck E. Cheese. They're so young, Ron Zook hasn't even offered them yet.
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jlb1705;1227719; said:

That team from Poland was solid all around... Well, not at playing volleyball as it turns out, but they were nice to look at. Usually (especially with those former Eastern Bloc countries) you can expect maybe a couple of lookers and then a bunch of bruisers with the same haircut as Jim Lampley. That Polish team was nice though. Too bad they stink at volleyball and aren't gonna make it past the group stage.

BTW, I think that Chinese "women's" gymnastics team was recruited out of the ball pit at Chuck E. Cheese. They're so young, Ron Zook hasn't even offered them yet.

:slappy: :slappy: :slappy:
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God I love the cyclists...

linky thang

Spain's Moreno tests positive for EPO at Games

By Agence France Presse
Posted Aug. 11, 2008

Spain's sports minister Jaime Lissavetzky said the Moreno case is an "isolated" breach of doping rules.
Photo: Agence France Presse

Spanish cyclist Maria Isobel Moreno became the first athlete to fail a doping test here at the Olympic Games, the IOC revealed on Monday.
The 27-year-old tested positive for EPO having undergone the test on July 31. She left the athletes' village on the evening of the 31st before she knew of the results of the test....
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Bucky Katt;1227712; said:
That relay was just plain awesome. One of the most exciting Olmpic moments I've seen live. I left a welt on my wife's palm high-fiving her. She was NOT amused. :p

That was by far the loudest I've yelled at the TV for a non-OSU related event in a long time. The slow-motion replay of them all shouting at the top of their lungs was pretty funny, too.

In other news... according to The Onion, it looks like Carl Lewis is at it again. For those of you who are unfamiliar with The Onion, it's a website dedicated to fake, yet hilarious, news stories. I had a pretty good laugh at this one.


Drunken Carl Lewis Crashes Olympics

BEIJING?Former American track-and-field star and nine-time Olympic gold medalist Carl Lewis, 47, showed up uninvited to the 2008 Olympic Games Thursday, reeking of booze and shouting in slurred, belligerent tones that everybody "had better watch out" because "Mr. Olympics is here, and this shit's about to get crazy." "Hey everybody, your old buddy Carl's back and he's ready to knock some?hey, where's the?gimme the long jump. Long jump motherfuckers! I can jump longer than, than any of you, you goddamn punks, see these gold medals here? I got?fuckin'?fifty million gold medals right here," Lewis was overheard as saying while gesturing to his crotch.

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Mr_Burns;1227893; said:
That was by far the loudest I've yelled at the TV for a non-OSU related event in a long time. The slow-motion replay of them all shouting at the top of their lungs was pretty funny, too.

Right after the touch, Phelps looked up at the scoreboard for the winner and had the absolute dumbest look on his face. We watched it in slo-mo three times. Hilarious! :lol:
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Dug this one up from the archives...

[quote='BusNative;87006;6]I, for one, would actually LOVE to see more women's volleyball on tv and any sport where they wear skirts and run around. I say bring it.

Jake;1226767; said:
I'm kinda enjoying the Poland women's volleyball team. :biggrin2:

Bucky Katt;1227712; said:
Women's volleyball is one of my favorite things to watch. :yow1:

You guys are starting to believe....
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Congrats to Phelps - AGAIN! Im loving that we are kicking ass, but I am about fuckin sick of ESPN and their updates on the win/losses BEFORE they are even aired out here on the west coast. Thats like tellin me the score of the OSU game before I watch it! They truly do know how to piss peple off...

Anyways ...had to get that out there! :biggrin:

Go Phelps! Kinda feel odd saying that with him being a scUM guy and all.
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