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jlb1705;1226337; said:
Is anybody else watching the Opening Ceremonies? These things are usually a bunch of stupid Eurotrash, but what the Chinese are doing is pretty awesome from a technical standpoint and fairly entertaining.

Very entertaining I think I heard that they spent 1.3 billion on the opening ceremonies alone..
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I was excited to be in Korea for the Olympics because I figured I'd get to see a lot of the action in real time since it's the same time zone. WRONG. All they've done is constantly replayed the men's 60k Judo match (Korean won Gold) and some archery. Five channels showing the exact same thing hours upon hours.
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anyone watch the soccer game this morning vs Netherlands? US played a great second half to get a 2-1 lead after trailing 0-1. In injury time, they gave up a stupid foul just outside the 18. On the kick, the player from the Netherlands kicked it under the wall and scored with about :45 left in the game. Being a US soccer fan is tough because everytime they seem like they are going to make the jump to the next level they let you down. They were supposed to struggle to make it out of their pool, and a win today would have locked it up after just 2 games.
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I watched some of the guys gymanastics yesterday. Artemev's Pommel Horse ruotine lit the place up. We are in contention for a team medal after losing the Hamm brothers to injury. Never would have thunk it. Raj (OSU Gymnast) had a damn good showing too
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shetuck;1227571; said:
The French and their big mouths just got pwned by Phelps and co in the 4x100m freestyle relay with a WR shattering pace.

Whose getting smashed now Mesr Bernard?

Woo hoo! Amazing...
not just that, but Bernard seemed to choke a bit down the stretch. I know our guys made an amazing push, but he seemed to tail off right near the wall.
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jwinslow;1227593; said:
not just that, but Bernard seemed to choke a bit down the stretch. I know our guys made an amazing push, but he seemed to tail off right near the wall.

by far one of the worst feelings in competitive swimming is to be out ahead of someone and then feel them start to creep up on you

i think bernard was shocked lezak was coming up on him as strong as he was (hell, i was too, no one freaking closes like that with only 15 meters to go in an olympic race), and tensed up just enough for lezak to out touch him.
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