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jwinslow;1227593; said:
not just that, but Bernard seemed to choke a bit down the stretch. I know our guys made an amazing push, but he seemed to tail off right near the wall.

Yeah, Bernard wasn't able to keep his pace and pull away. But the credit should go to Lezak for hugging the right side of his lane, riding Bernard's wave, hanging with him and doing a great final few strokes to touch the wall first.

It's just astounding that they broke the world record by 4 seconds. Even the fifth place team beat the old WR time. The sixth place team finished below WR time by only 0.03 seconds.

Beijing 2008: Phelps picks up second gold

Phelps picks up second gold in Men's 4x100m Freestyle relay

Updated: 2008-08-11 12:02:57


Phelps (USA) celebrates Men's 4 x 100m Freestyle Relay win (Photo credit: Shaun Botterill/Getty Images)
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(BEIJING, August 11) -- Michael Phelps, with teammates Garrett Weber-Gale, Cullen Jones, and Jason Lezak took the gold medal in the Men's 4 x 100m Freestyle Relay and smashed the world record for the second time in a row.

The team's winning time of 3:08.24 replaces yesterday's prelim record of 3:12.23 set by Jones, and teammates Nathan Adrian, Ben Wildman-Tobriner, and Matt Grevers.

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A couple of thoughts:

1. Our gymnastics team member are very cute. China's gymnastic team members are VERY young, 16 my ass.

2. The mens relay was everything everyone is saying, I found myself screaming at the screen.

3. Oddly enough, I even found myself screaming during a womens athletics match, and even more odd it was swimming too. The race before the amazing mens relay was a huge heartbreak. Hoff from the USA blew one of the largest leads on the last stretch that i've ever seen :(

4. Can't wait for wrestling to start on tuesday!
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BuckWrestler141;1227602; said:
A couple of thoughts:

1. Our gymnastics team member are very cute. China's gymnastic team members are VERY young, 16 my ass.

2. The mens relay was everything everyone is saying, I found myself screaming at the screen.

3. Oddly enough, I even found myself screaming during a womens athletics match, and even more odd it was swimming too. The race before the amazing mens relay was a huge heartbreak. Hoff from the USA blew one of the largest leads on the last stretch that i've ever seen :(

4. Can't wait for wrestling to start on tuesday!

yeah, Hoff's loss was every bit as ugly as the French loss. She was ahead by at least a body length, maybe more, at the turn going into the last 50m.
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By the way, as a kid who had to deal with (albeit only as a precaution, as it turned out) Mike Redd and Kevin King et al at Columbus South - I am HUGELY, HUGELY proud that Mike Redd is at the Olympics representing OUR country. HUGELY. I can't even descibe my emotion. I am LOVING the kid who played on a HS auditorium stage cum basketball court and another regurlar OHIO kid (LBJ, ok, not that regular) are representing OUR country in the Olympics... I love home, I love my country... go USA basketball!!! I recognize the kid who had to figure out how to shoot in the windy fairgrounds coliseum, turn Buckeye, turn NBA all-star, turn world-class sharp-shooter... it makes me teary-eyed... FUCK YEAH, GO BCUKEYES, U!! S!!!! A!!!
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[quote='BusNative;122761;7]By the way, as a kid who had to deal with (albeit only as a precaution, as it turned out) Mike Redd and Kevin King et al at Columbus South - I am HUGELY, HUGELY proud that Mike Redd is at the Olympics representing OUR country. HUGELY. I can't even descibe my emotion. I am LOVING the kid who played on a HS auditorium stage cum basketball court and another regurlar OHIO kid (LBJ, ok, not that regular) are representing OUR country in the Olympics... I love home, I love my country... go USA basketball!!! I recognize the kid who had to figure out how to shoot in the windy fairgrounds coliseum, turn Buckeye, turn NBA all-star, turn world-class sharp-shooter... it makes me teary-eyed... FUCK YEAH, GO BCUKEYES, U!! S!!!! A!!![/quote]
Don't forget Logan, Ohio and Ohio State's own Katie Smith going for her 3rd gold medal... Ohio is representing basketball very well!
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Medal count as of right now. China is really racking up the gold's and the finals for sports they are traditionally strong in (badminton, table tennis, gymnastics) haven't even started yet. The US needs to get it done in the pool and on the track later this week to keep pace.

2008 Beijing Summer Olympic Games | Medal - Women's Air Rifle Standings 2008 | NBC Olympics

United States..3........4........5......12
South Korea....4........3........0.......7

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When, WHEN, are athletes going to get it through their collective skulls that talking a lot of crap BEFORE a game/match/meet/whatever almost always results in looking stupid? Over and over and over and over again, this seems to be the case, yet they just can't seem to help themselves.

All that said, I'm glad Peppy Le-Assclown fired off his mouth yesterday...yeah, they killed the world record...but in the end they still weren't good enough. Watching him after the race, he sat in the pool in absolute disbelief...to quote that wise sage Yoda "That...is why you failed."

4 cheers to 4 guys who swam the race of their lives.
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Chinese (women?) gymnasts are NOT 16! No way. But, we kind of suspected they would pull out all the stops to win. The Olympics have always been dogged by cheating.

And Cheez! And tell Dubya to get his hands off those beach volleyball girls!:tongue2: That's just embarrassing.

Names: Kerri Walsh - Misty May-Treanor
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