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OHSportsFan9;1228312; said:
ok, I'm proud of the gymnastic boys just like everyone else


can we please tell these dudes to just STFU? Sorry, but they are pretty annoying when the camera is on them.

anyway...USA! USA! USA!

I was about to say something similar. Congratulations guys, but some of you are real d-bags. Please don't act like that on the podium. Please.
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I know I'm not supposed to root for the damn commie bastards from China, but that performance was outstanding, it's one of those things like watching the Patriots last year and hating them but wanting to see greatness... Check that if the Patriots weren't cheating assholes.

Anyways good to see a former Buckeye medal, since the Hamms couldn't be there
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Enough of the men's gymnastics! We have Jennie Finch on CNBC right now.

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OHSportsFan9;1228312; said:

can we please tell these dudes to just STFU? Sorry, but they are pretty annoying when the camera is on them.

Great post! It's obnoxious as hell.

How in the hell does the team have exactly one capable pommeller? For as good as some of the other performances where, those first two performances were just dreadful.
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Great post! It's obnoxious as hell.

How in the hell does the team have exactly one capable pommeller? For as good as some of the other performances where, those first two performances were just dreadful.
its gary bettmans fault, hes kililng hockey and the nhl. every team should have atleast 2-3 pummeler, the new nhl hates fighting and wants to ban it, stupid new york lawyers...

uh wrong thread :wink2:
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jlb1705;1228308; said:
The Men's Gymnastics team has choked away the silver medal. Artemev may have pulled their asses out of the fire (so to speak) to hang on to the bronze. We'll have to see what Germany does.
Perhaps I don't understand the sport fully..

If I'm Germany, and I need to average 15.3 or whatever on my last 3 attempts.. why go for such low difficulty.. I would be going balls to the wall..?
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Can I say that mens syncronized diving is the gayest most flaming sport EVER?

Perhaps I don't understand the sport fully..

If I'm Germany, and I need to average 15.3 or whatever on my last 3 attempts.. why go for such low difficulty.. I would be going balls to the wall..?

I could be wrong but those routines are set in stone. I think they have to be submitted prior so the judges know when you screw up and leave something out.

Its not like you can just decide to throw in a "triple round off Thump rump-buster" in there. (Although the French judge might score that a 10)
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