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I hope this gets the attention of those who post every fall saying they want to see Michigan lose to Notre Dame. I may have been one of the very few people in the 'shoe on Saturday who did not cheer at the final score of the UM - ASU debacle. Linked to the shellacking USC put on them and the beat down OSU suffered in the BCS, the winners were clearly the Pac 10 and the SEC.

Like it or not the Bucks are linked to a significant degree to the health of the league and thus to the fortunes of Michigan.

So significant is the story of the upset that Notre Dame getting whacked by 30 points at home by Ga Tech got buried.

The Big 10 NEEDS Penn State, Michigan and Michigan State to come through against the Irish or else OSU's games with those teams will carry little weight in the polls.
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The Big 10 NEEDS Penn State, Michigan and Michigan State to come through against the Irish or else OSU's games with those teams will carry little weight in the polls.
I guess my expectations don't reach higher than a BCS berth this year, which is guaranteed by winning their games.

As for conference perception, OSU's fate will lie in their own hands against SC the next two years. That will more than compensate for a potentially disrespected conference.

4 years from now, Miami and/or Michigan should be powerful teams again... and the b10 may be deeper as well with Dantonio & Zook.
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NFBuck;920257; said:
from Stuey Mandel's (a pollster) power rankings...

This has to be the first time in Power Rankings history that I've penalized a team for a loss by its rival. I was already uncomfortable placing OSU so high, and if Michigan was that overrated, the Buckeyes probably aren't far behind. Plus, Chris Wells only ran for 46 on Youngstown State.

Have to wonder how many others felt the same way.

Also have to wonder how many tOSU fans will e-mail him this week.:roll1:

What a douche. Did he penalize Wisky as well??

OWUBuckeye51;920261; said:
Could a part of the reason Va Tech didn't plummet be empathy from the media after what transpired in April? I agree though - they didn't look sharp.

I thought Cal looked good as well, though the jury's out (IMHO) on Tennessee - I don't think they are a top 15 team.

As for scUM dropping out of the top 25, wow. It could either galvanize them or cause them to completely implode.

Agreed about Cal, they looked really good. They are going to give USC all they want when they match up on 11/10 AT Cal. Hopefully we all get an opportunity to watch that game.
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cincibuck;920587; said:
I hope this gets the attention of those who post every fall saying they want to see Michigan lose to Notre Dame. I may have been one of the very few people in the 'shoe on Saturday who did not cheer at the final score of the UM - ASU debacle. Linked to the shellacking USC put on them and the beat down OSU suffered in the BCS, the winners were clearly the Pac 10 and the SEC.

Like it or not the Bucks are linked to a significant degree to the health of the league and thus to the fortunes of Michigan.

So significant is the story of the upset that Notre Dame getting whacked by 30 points at home by Ga Tech got buried.

The Big 10 NEEDS Penn State, Michigan and Michigan State to come through against the Irish or else OSU's games with those teams will carry little weight in the polls.

I for one enjoyed the loss and will continue to do so. People who make that kind of observation from this kind of loss to a division rival are probably already jaded against the Big Ten to begin with, so what's the difference? I can't see any unbiased pollster using this same school of thought. For a guy to drop a team in the polls because a division foe tanked is pathetic. I hope someone takes him to task for that, along with anyone else using that kind of rationalization. All this team can do is go out and win and give it 100%, and not worry about what is out of their control. I don't think you need to worry about those teams "coming through" against the Irish. That team is a train wreck.
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Buckeyedynasty;920643; said:
The fact that they fell out of the top 25 will continue to make me laugh all week long. :scum4:

I totally agree. CCI and myself did a 3 minute jump up and down, run around the room, cheer and high-five each other dance when they announced the new A/P poll on sportscenter. "Michigan looking in from the outside of the top 25." :banger:
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Best Buckeye;920599; said:
Somehow I don't see Zook being there in 4 years JMO.

Why not? We like him here in Illinois, he is getting the players he needs, and he doesn't have a lot of pressure to win. I think it is a good relationship for both sides.
I also expect Illinois to win 9 games next year (i'll v-bet although that would tie up points for a LONG time); unless you too expect that and think he'd try to bail to a bigger named school.
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I hope this gets the attention of those who post every fall saying they want to see Michigan lose to Notre Dame. I may have been one of the very few people in the 'shoe on Saturday who did not cheer at the final score of the UM - ASU debacle. Linked to the shellacking USC put on them and the beat down OSU suffered in the BCS, the winners were clearly the Pac 10 and the SEC.

Like it or not the Bucks are linked to a significant degree to the health of the league and thus to the fortunes of Michigan.

So significant is the story of the upset that Notre Dame getting whacked by 30 points at home by Ga Tech got buried.

The Big 10 NEEDS Penn State, Michigan and Michigan State to come through against the Irish or else OSU's games with those teams will carry little weight in the polls.
For me personallly, it doesn't matter what the perception of tOSU is. It doesn't make us any better or any worse. If Michigan and Penn State stink, it doesn't change how good tOSU is. It may change how good they SEEM, but not how good they are. Frankly, I want to see Michigan and Penn State suck it up, because I would like to see Ohio State win the Big 10 this year and go to Rose Bowl finally. It's been over a decade! Obviously the NC game is better...but I'm thinking Roses this year would smell amazing!

Somehow I think no matter what any other teams in the Big 10 do this year, if we win all our games we are going to be in the NC game...and if we lose any games, we won't. If somebody is going to have a historic loss...i'm glad it was Michigan. Although Notre Dame or any Florida school would have been amusing as well. Or USC. But not as funny as Michigan.

Most importantly though...IM GLAD IT HAPPENED TO THEM AND NOT US!
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BuckWrestler141;920649; said:
Why not? We like him here in Illinois, he is getting the players he needs, and he doesn't have a lot of pressure to win. I think it is a good relationship for both sides.
I also expect Illinois to win 9 games next year (i'll v-bet although that would tie up points for a LONG time); unless you too expect that and think he'd try to bail to a bigger named school.

After seeing his performance against tOSU last year I wouldn't be surprised to see him offered big money at a different program and go. I agree you'll most likely have success with him, if not next year deffinately within the next 3, he's a good coach and a great recruiter.
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I think it was Buckiprof that said, essentially, the following: The Michigan loss may hurt the Big-Ten this year, for now, but the conference will recover. For the rest of my life, whenever I see a Michigan fan, I can simply say "Appalacian State" and smile. It's worth it.

I agree.
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BIG TEN NOTEBOOK: Spread offense again a problem for Coach Carr
Wednesday, September 5, 2007

By Tuesday afternoon, Lloyd Carr must have felt like a load of dirty laundry in a washing machine. Michigan?s head coach had to address the media ? again ? and spend about 10 minutes answering variations of the following questions:

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USA Today
Appy State exploited out of shape UM team
"When (Meyer) was at Utah, we got our hands on every bit of Utah tape we could," Moore said, pointing to a box of film. "It wasn't so much Alex Smith. We were just infatuated with how physical their right guard played."
"What I wanted to talk about was how physical they were," Moore said. "I asked if I could come down and watch them. He gave me his number and told me to come down anytime."
The desire to be physical, like Meyer's teams, translated into Appalachian State's quest for stamina.
"That's why looking at film any earlier than we did wouldn't have made a difference," Moore said. "We're big into fundamentals, and we're big into conditioning." Brown, the 6-6, 310-pound lineman, noticed Michigan's players were "out of shape.

Their defense was struggling to get to the ball," he said. That's one advantage to the no-huddle. The defense cannot rest. "We thought that in the middle of the second quarter that we had the edge condition-wise," Moore said. "When you are not familiar with the no-huddle, it's tough to sustain that defensive intensity after two, three first downs in a row. "
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