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'12 OH WR Dwayne Stanford (Oregon Verbal)

reagdog;1974788; said:
Just got word that Stanford is going to officially visit ASU this fall. It kind of came out of left field. I didn't even know ASU was recruiting him.

Apparently his other "for sure" visits are LSU and Alabama.

Rumor is that living in the mid-West, after reading about the sun all throughout elementary, middle school and now High School, Stanford would actually like to see it for himself to see if it is real. :-)

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scarletngray;1974806; said:
Rumor is that living in the mid-West, after reading about what it's like to live on the surface of the sun all throughout elementary, middle school and now High School, Stanford would actually like to see it for himself to see if it is real. :-)


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Taft falls to Washington, D.C. team
8:14 PM, Aug. 28, 2011
Written by
Jason Williams
Enquirer contributor
. . .
But on the proceeding series, it became evident that Taft star wide receiver Dwayne Stanford faced a monumental challenge.

The highly recruited Stanford out-jumped a stifling double-team for a 25-yard reception to the Friendship 21. But the next time Smith went to Stanford, the Taft duo couldn?t beat the double team. Sophomore Jalen Tabor intercepted Smith?s pass in the end zone with 3:17 left in the first quarter.
. . .
Stanford finished with four catches for 56 yards.
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Notes on Taft?s dynamic duo
3:21 pm, Aug 28, 2011 | Written by jawilliams

Some notes on Taft WR Dwayne Stanford and DE Adolphus Washington after the Senators? 12-6 loss to Friendship Collegiate Academy today:

? Stanford says this week he will be working on scheduling his official visits to Alabama, LSU and Arizona State.

? Washington had several tackles, including two sacks for a combined loss of 20 yards. He also forced a fumble.

?I think I underestimated No. 11,? Friendship coach Aazaar Abdul-Rahim said of Washington. ?I think he is a (heck) of a player. He?s got a motor.?
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My take on Stanford is we absolutely, positively take him. Physical blessings beyond belief, rough as a cobb, needs a position coach. As I said in the AW thread, Imho, Taft without DS and AW, is no better than the Cleveland city schools that Glenville rolls over by 40 points.
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