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'12 OH DE/LB Ifeadi Odenigbo (Northwestern Signee)

Had an opportunity to see Ifeadi play against my old HS, Wayne. Only stayed for the first half(Which was 42-14 Centerville). He played primarily at DE, but I can see how absolutely sick he would be playing at LB. A year with the strength and conditioning, spring practice, and this kid is going to be FUN to watch!
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Was able to watch both IO and Josh Perry this year and from my limited view (obviously from the high school stands and I saw each play twice), Perry is the better overall player right now and has a higher ceiling. He has a bigger, stronger frame, maybe more athleticism, and a more noticeable nasty streak. Also, Perry seemed more destined for the Leo spot while IO seemed more a future SAM. That being said, IO is a physical freak. He reminds me of a slightly bigger, yet more raw, Ryan Shazier. Would love to get him in playing LB. Great kid and great athlete.
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Brian Kelly is pleased...

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