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'12 OH DE/LB Ifeadi Odenigbo (Northwestern Signee)

He liked it a lot and may be his leader at this point. Really need to get him on campus for a game and visit.

Some people think Notre Dame will be a compromise of location, academics, and football. Really don't get that as Ohio State have a better computer science program, closer, and has better football.

If he is that into it he should go to Stanford or Cal, not Notre Dame.
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buckeyegunners;1961482; said:
He liked it a lot and may be his leader at this point. Really need to get him on campus for a game and visit.

Some people think Notre Dame will be a compromise of location, academics, and football. Really don't get that as Ohio State have a better computer science program, closer, and has better academics.

If he is that into it he should go to Stanford or Cal, not Notre Dame.

Definitely Stanford. OSU really needs to update their program IMO.

Edit: It's still a good program though. I hope he still comes here.
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buckeyegunners;1961686; said:
Ohio State has a top 30 computer science program in the nation including IVYs. I don't think they need an upgrade, that's pretty damn good.

The undergraduate program? I can see it being an excellent research institution but I'd be surprised if the undergrad program is anything more than average. Do you have a link?

Edit: Mr. Odenigbo should still come here.
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It's simple IMO. If he wants a quality school close to home and family we stand a great chance of landing him. But, if football is really a secondary consideration and his proximity to mom and dad are not a factor then the Western school stand the best shot. My questions are this; how important are build relationships with coaches and fellow recruits at these institutions. Is he dreaming of the NFL? If I wanted to be a future leader in the technology field and that was truly my goal then the West would be my direction. If going to the NFL as a defender was my dream then OSU is the "Stanford" of college football for preparing students for a career as an NFL defender. He really strikes me as a kid who is considering the impact of his decision now and how in will impact his future options.
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[quote='BusNative;196179;9]Except stanford students really are some of the most aggressive losers I've ever come across.... excluding LitlBuck[/quote]
I'm not going to stand here and let you call LitlBuck a passive loser! :pissed:
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[quote='BusNative;196179;9]Except stanford students really are some of the most aggressive losers I've ever come accross.... excluding LitlBuck[/quote]

Gatorubet;1961804; said:
I'm not going to stand here and let you call LitlBuck a passive loser! :pissed:
I was just trying to keep a recruit's thread clean. Thanks I am out.
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Centerville defensive lineman ranking among nation's top prospects
Odenigbo a blue-chip prospect, but books come first for senior.
By Marc F. Pendleton, Staff Writer
Updated Sunday, August 14, 2011


Marc Pendleton
Centerville High School senior standouts Ben McGowan (left) and Ifeadi Odenigbo.

CENTERVILLE ? The toughest thing about football for Ifeadi Odenigbo wasn?t overcoming a late start. It was winning over his parents.

?I had to get on my knees and beg my mom and dad to play football,? recalled Centerville High School?s senior defensive end.

?My dad didn?t want me to play, to be honest. He just didn?t see the point of it.?

Odenigbo has since aced the ultimate football crash course. Starting as a ?clueless? eighth-grader, he sat out as a freshman because his parents insisted that he focus on academics.

Now, most national recruiting services rank him among the nation?s top four prospects at his position.

He?s narrowed his many offers to five schools, but won?t take an official visit until after this coming season.

He?s in such demand because he?s a rare mix of size ? 6 feet 4 inches; 210 pounds ? and sprinter?s speed ? consistently high 4.3 and low 4.4 seconds in the 40-yard dash (hand timed). He anchored the Elks? third-place 800-meter relay at the Division I state track and field meet last spring.

Plus, as Elks coach Ron Ullery marveled, ?he?s unblockable.?

Although not anchored at a glamour position, Odenigbo unquestionably is the area?s recruiting prize this season.


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