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'12 OH DE/LB Ifeadi Odenigbo (Northwestern Signee)

korchiki;1943177; said:

I thought Pre-law. What's the difference.
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DSelwyn;1943057; said:
17 year-old kids don't realize that the education you receive is based 100% on the effort you put into learning, not on the college you're attending. Put another way, is my butt in the library studying, or am I playing video games in a Northwestern dorm room, assuming the learning will occur via osmosis because I'm attending Northwestern ?
Another fact which will carry no cachet with the 17 year-old mind: The Stanford or Northwestern degree will look better in getting your first job, but as regards the total earning potential over your entire working career see: butt in the library, studying.

You're assuming that Odenigbo is one of those who may not put forth the effort. His short list of schools and his heretofore performance in high school suggest otherwise...
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DSelwyn;1943198; said:
I think that matters much more at the graduate level than the undergraduate level of college; but I could be wrong.

I agree. I actually think schools that are heavily research focused are often poor for undergraduate education. They may be fairly competitive and have well respected professors and research, but the undergraduate teaching is sometimes lacking. The profs may have their TAs doing most of the teaching, and their hands on work is with their graduate students.
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Buckeye737;1943208; said:
I agree. I actually think schools that are heavily research focused are often poor for undergraduate education. They may be fairly competitive and have well respected professors and research, but the undergraduate teaching is sometimes lacking. The profs may have their TAs doing most of the teaching, and their hands on work is with their graduate students.

i'll only say this, b/c i think we are diverging from the thread.

there is definitely some truth to this that some of the leading academicians are not always the best teachers. but, all in all universities like stanford do a better job preparing their students for the future in terms of getting good jobs and admission into graduate/professional schools so the university and their professors must be doing something right compared to other schools. also, for students interested in premed/science/becoming academicians having some experience in research is pretty important. so the opportunity to do research/being taught by a leading expert is an important part of the educational experience even at the undergraduate level.
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Trio of DEs land in overall top 10 - ESPN

Ifeadi Odenigbo
(Centerville, Ohio/Centerville)
6-3, 212
College: Undeclared

There is a good chance the athletic and leaner Odenigbo could move to outside linebacker in college, but regardless of how he is used, this tough and high-motor defender is someone to keep an eye on. He is a good athlete who can run down plays and potentially be a factor anywhere on the field. He has good initial quickness to get off the ball and, with a little more polish as a pass rusher, could be a handful off the edge. To remain at defensive end he needs to add more size, but even at his current weight the physical nature of his play can't be discounted. He is a kid with good raw strength who plays bigger than his measurables. There is some room for improvement physically and in his game, but this is a prospect who offers some versatility.
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Scout $ - Ifeadi Odenigbo talks Cal, Stanford, Part 1
Scout $ - Ifeadi Odenigbo talks Cal, Stanford, Part 2


Loved his visits to Cal and Stanford...says the facilities at Cal were up there with OSU...loves the coaching staff at Cal...Stanford was everything he expected and the coaches loves his combination of size and athleticism...recaps the junior day activities (including California traffic)...visiting UM and MSU this weekend.
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Buckskin86;1946420; said:
names final five- Cal, Stanford, Northwestern, Notre Dame and Ohio State....

wadc45;1945943; said:
...visiting UM and MSU this weekend.

Cutting tsun from his top five before he even visits has to be a good sign for the good guys, right? right.

You can't argue with any of those top five (particularly the academics), and since it looks like there is no way he will be heading north, this recruitment will end well no matter what happens in my opinion.
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Buckeye86;1946422; said:
Cutting tsun from his top five before he even visits has to be a good sign for the good guys, right? right.

You can't argue with any of those top five (particularly the academics), and since it looks like there is no way he will be heading north, this recruitment will end well no matter what happens in my opinion.

Don't think it means anything. Michigan wasn't really ever a serious player for him. They are full at LB'er with...

James Ross
Royce Jenkins Stone
Joe Bolden
Kaleb Ringer
Mario Ojumedia

They are also getting close being on a scholarship crunch, they don't have many spots left and are almost filled up and they still need to take a QB, WR and probably 2 DT's.
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