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'12 OH DE/LB Ifeadi Odenigbo (Northwestern Signee)

BuckTwenty;1948164; said:
Having trouble linking it, but check out Ifeadi's new film that just went up on ScoutingOhio. One of the best highlight reels you'll see all year.

Yeah pretty amazing. He has to be a top 5 prospect...very raw, but all of the ability in the world, and an ideal LEO prospect. OSU is looking too good right now though.
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Honestly didn't notice him first time I saw them play this year when they took on Wayne.

Think he still lacks in consistency but upside is phenomenal.

Jaylon Smith will suffice if we lose him.

Think we still have a decent chance with him though.

The best part of his highlight tape is watching 63 getting to the QB just as quickly. He will be a STUD.
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The Opening: Friday Top 10

At 6-foot-3, 212 pounds, Ogenigbo doesn?t have the size that a Casher has, but he?s extremely tough to block because of his speed and athleticism. Ogenigbo probably will have to make a transition to playing in space at the next level, something that he will likely be able to do with no problem considering his quickness and ability to shed blocks. His recruitment is wide open. Ohio State, Oregon, Alabama and others all are in the mix. 247sports ranks Ogenigbo the No. 1 overall prospect in the Buckeye State and we honestly haven?t seen a better player from that state in this recruiting cycle.
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Scout $ - The Latest with Odenigbo


Video by Lazarev....Talks about his experience at The Opening in Oregon. Top 5 of Notre Dame, Ohio State, Stanford, Cal & Northwestern. Also planning to visit Michigan State & Illinois. Academics, trustful coaching staff & strong football program are his top priorities. Will possibly make his decision during his season or wait until Signing Day.
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