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'12 OH DE/LB Ifeadi Odenigbo (Northwestern Signee)

To clarify, when I said down "down to Ohio State, USC and Cal (and to a lesser extent UCLA)" I meant for those last two visits...ND and Stanford are still VERY much in the mix, as is Northwestern.
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Magua;2026444; said:
It's a good thing these kids play on the field instead of the Star Chart then :)
I dunno. Mercury seems to be rising for this one ...

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wadc45;2033414; said:
To clarify, when I said down "down to Ohio State, USC and Cal (and to a lesser extent UCLA)" I meant for those last two visits...ND and Stanford are still VERY much in the mix, as is Northwestern.

Thanks for clarifying :p
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wadc45;2033186; said:
My take: I don't think this one is as far gone as Washington was and Fickell pulled that one out of the fire. OSU has been trending down with Ifeadi for weeks now but get him on campus for an official and let the chips fall...getting a kid on campus for an official can be the great equalizer.

Taosman;2033570; said:
Just get him on campus and see where the chips fall.

:smash: Pot is bad, mmmkay?
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osugrad21;2042224; said:
Ifeadi says the visit definitely helped tOSU as it was the most impressive atmosphere he has witnessed. He reiterates that he is interested in the coaching situation at tOSU and would like to speak with the new coach before making a decision.

osugrad21;2042812; said:
Ifeadi is very blunt in this interview and says tOSU's coaching situation will likely have the Buckeyes back at square one with him. He is not sure if he will visit again.

What a bizarre set of statements given how close together they are.
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