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'12 OH DE/LB Ifeadi Odenigbo (Northwestern Signee)

TresselstillownsTSUN;2026208; said:
IO is all athlete IMO. I know alot of people fell in love with him chasing down Braxton, but Josh Perry is flat out better IMHO. Landing Washington, Perry and maybe Pittman make this almost irrelevant.

I hear you, but you can never have enough athletes chasing the QB, in my IMO.
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TresselstillownsTSUN;2026208; said:
IO is all athlete IMO. I know alot of people fell in love with him chasing down Braxton, but Josh Perry is flat out better IMHO. Landing Washington, Perry and maybe Pittman make this almost irrelevant.

While this may be true, I still hate to see people start singing a different tune in regards to a recruit who might appear to be wavering or heading elsewhere. When we think a recruit is all buckeye he's the next best thing. The second there is doubt it turns into "oh yeah well i'd rather have so and so or I don't think he has what it takes at the next level."

Not saying that's the case here or trying to single you out just talking out loud...
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I've always thought IO was overrated amongst our fan base. He is without a doubt a GREAT kid, but he's more athlete at this point. It's nothing against him going some other place, I've just never held him in that high of regard. I thought the same of Josh Perry until I saw some of his senior film....
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I've always thought IO was overrated amongst our fan base. He is without a doubt a GREAT kid, but he's more athlete at this point. It's nothing against him going some other place, I've just never held him in that high of regard. I thought the same of Josh Perry until I saw some of his senior film....
I only kind of understand your point. Exactly what is the issue with being more of an athlete at the high school level? Getting coached up by the Buckeye coaching staff can do tremendous things for a football player that is just an athlete.
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Diego-Bucks;2026323; said:
I only kind of understand your point. Exactly what is the issue with being more of an athlete at the high school level? Getting coached up by the Buckeye coaching staff can do tremendous things for a football player that is just an athlete.

Agreed. A kid who just gets by on pure athletic ability without much technique is really not a negative thing. Because once he puts it all together...watch out.
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TresselstillownsTSUN;2026399; said:
I guess what I'm really trying to say is, IO does things on flim that make you go "wow". But in terms of producing on a game to game basis it isn't there. How ever you look at it the kid won't be a Buckeye. I wish him the best.
bingo I have the same thoughts about him. I watched some of his ganes and his name was never talked about and it was kinda pis,,,, me off when everyone thinks he's the best in ohio. One ? why isn't he all over the place getting tackles. Washington is all over but, he's not # 1 in ohio like I've been saying for months :biggrin:
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I think you guys are overlooking one very important thing. Recruiting and drafting hinges on "potential" as much if not more than production. As stated earlier in this thread, a lot of it has to do with what coaches think they can turn a player into. With this kids measurables and athleticism the sky really is the limit if he gets the mental and technique aspect of the game grasped.

I'm not saying he's a Buckeye or an Irishman or what. Doesn't really matter. I wish him the best though in whatever he chooses and I certainly would love to see him in the S&G.

edit: Keep in mind, this kid didn't start playing football until later on...
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Like I said earlier, he's very raw. Great athleticism, though. He also seems to be a good kid who is also intelligent. Any school will be lucky to have that combination that can possibly turn into a star. Will that be us? Maybe not. We'll be fine if not. While I do agree that he's a tad over-rated, I think we need to be careful about being hostile if he's leaning away from OSU.
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I think that Washington and IO are the 2 must gets left in this class. After seeing our current LB play this year, we can't have enough hybrid LB/DEs. We are seeing more and more versatility on our defense, guys moving to any of the D line positions, guys with corner skill sets playing safety, a star player always on the field, Shazier moving down to DE. Honestly you can't teach his speed, and versatility. With his game comparing closely to Shazier, I'll gladly take as many of those players as we can get. Perry, IO, Pittman and Washington would be one of the best collections of physical freaks that I can remember coming into OSU in one recruting class in quite some time. Anyone know how much of a longshot Pittman is??
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Well then he's a must get that we're not getting.

Good luck to him unless he choose ND.

We'll be more than fine without him. Just gotta go get Kimbrough, Smith, and some others next year.

Ifeadi is a great prospect, just think it's ridiculous for anyone to have him ranked as a higher prospect than Adolphus, Dunn, or Pittman and happen to think Perry is a better prospect as well.

He may be overrated to some of us, doesn't mean he's not a great prospect. Kid has terrific athleticism for the position and can close in a hurry.
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buckeyegunners;2026443; said:
Well then he's a must get that we're not getting.

Good luck to him unless he choose ND.

We'll be more than fine without him. Just gotta go get Kimbrough, Smith, and some others next year.

Ifeadi is a great prospect, just think it's ridiculous for anyone to have him ranked as a higher prospect than Adolphus, Dunn, or Pittman and happen to think Perry is a better prospect as well.

He may be overrated to some of us, doesn't mean he's not a great prospect. Kid has terrific athleticism for the position and can close in a hurry.

It's a good thing these kids play on the field instead of the Star Chart then :)
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BN $ - Odenigbo-To-OSU: Time Running Out?


By BK...has two visits left to schedule and is down to Ohio State, USC and Cal (and to a lesser extent UCLA)...might make the OSU/PSU game and says OSU has a good chance to get one of his last two officials.

My take: I don't think this one is as far gone as Washington was and Fickell pulled that one out of the fire. OSU has been trending down with Ifeadi for weeks now but get him on campus for an official and let the chips fall...getting a kid on campus for an official can be the great equalizer.
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