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'09 TN WR Marlon Brown (Georgia Signee)

Brown says he has 'no idea' on college choice : Football Recruiting : GoVolsXtra.com

By Dave Hooker (Contact)
Originally published 09:12 a.m., February 2, 2009
Updated 09:23 a.m., February 2, 2009

There will be consultation with family and friends, some alone time with only his thoughts, and prayer.

It's decision time for Marlon Brown. And with just two days until National Signing Day, the top prospect in the state doesn't have a clue where he'll end up playing college football.

"I have no idea," the 6-foot-5, 205-pound receiver from Harding Academy in Memphis said on Monday morning. "It's going to be real hard because I have some of the best names in college football."

Tennessee, Georgia, Ohio Stats and Ole Miss are the finalists. Brown has ruled out Florida, a one-time possible destination that suddenly fell by the wayside.

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NFBuck;1396982; said:
I think this will be Kiffin's first "big fish". The "other schools want you, we need you" approach is desperate.


I think the "come play with Terrelle Pryor" or the "did you catch that Super Bowl?" or even the "all of our starting receivers have been drafted" pitch is pretty genius too. :biggrin:
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I think the "come play with Terrelle Pryor" or the "did you catch that Super Bowl?" or even the "all of our starting receivers have been drafted" pitch is pretty genius too. :biggrin:[/quote]

Is it too late to use that "did you catch that Super Bowl?" Although not really sure how big of a factor that would even be at this point in time. Still, guess what I'm asking is now that all the official visits are over, does/can JT still have contact with recruits?
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OUatl;1397119; said:
?It?s cold up there and its Big 10 football so I don?t know ? you can either like the Big 10 or dislike the Big 10,? Brown said.

I don't think this quote is good new for us..................
OUCH!! If these kids ever want to play in the NFL they'd better quit worrying about the weather. Although a million dollar contract would buy plenty of insulation.:biggrin:
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OUatl;1397119; said:
?It?s cold up there and its Big 10 football so I don?t know ? you can either like the Big 10 or dislike the Big 10,? Brown said.

I don't think this quote is good new for us..................

I might be mistaken, but I think I've read somewhere before that it does indeed snow in the hills of Tennessee...
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MililaniBuckeye;1397351; said:
I might be mistaken, but I think I've read somewhere before that it does indeed snow in the hills of Tennessee...

As someone who's parents moved to Knoxville and has visited in the dead of winter, the snow is negligible. It's more of a dust powder. And if it sticks, the whole town shuts down as they wait out the fifteen minutes it takes for the snow to melt. I was talking to my parents a week or so ago and they were going on and on about how they actually had snow that stuck for the first time in two years. It's gone, now.
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