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'09 TN WR Marlon Brown (Georgia Signee)

RB07OSU;1395241; said:
I've thought all along he would end up at Georgia. Too bad because he could be the man here imo and he may be in A.J. Jones' shadow at UGA. Or benefit from having a WR like Green across from him to have to worry about. Either way, he stays south and the world goes on like normal, nothing new.

I'm more worried about Julio Green's shadow. :biggrin:
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Until he commits I'm holding out hope. We could really use a big playmaker on the outside, and he could be a star in Columbus.
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BigWoof31;1396723; said:
Mr. Ward also has a SuperBowl MVP trophy and a UGA degree.

he was also pretty much a QB and RB in college too. I'll raise your Hines really a receiver in college Ward with a Cris Carter, Paul Warfield, Santonio Holmes, Joey Galloway, Terry Glenn, Michael Jenkins, David Boston, Ted Ginn, Anthony Gonzalez, etc. Either way, best of luck to Marlon in the SEC.
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