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'09 TN WR Marlon Brown (Georgia Signee)

Smooth Olaf;1397359; said:
As someone who's parents moved to Knoxville and has visited in the dead of winter, the snow is negligible. It's more of a dust powder. And if it sticks, the whole town shuts down as they wait out the fifteen minutes it takes for the snow to melt. I was talking to my parents a week or so ago and they were going on and on about how they actually had snow that stuck for the first time in two years. It's gone, now.

Point being, Einstein, that it gets pretty cold in places other than Big Ten states...
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Bucky Katt;1397366; said:
59 degrees when I left Knoxville yesterday afternoon. Columbus was a mite bit colder.

Weather forecast for Knoxville for Tues, Weds, and Thurs:

High ... Low
32 F | 18 F
31 F | 18 F
40 F | 27 F

Not exactly T-shirt weather...
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MililaniBuckeye;1397369; said:
Weather forecast for Knoxville for Tues, Weds, and Thurs:

High ... Low
32 F | 18 F
31 F | 18 F
40 F | 27 F

Not exactly T-shirt weather...

No doubt. Knoxville is cold in the winter. Columbus is colder. If that's the biggest factor in this recruitment......:lol:
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Here is a spoon... I will feed you :)

Quote from Bucky Katt:
Originally Posted by Bucky Katt
No doubt. Knoxville is cold in the winter. Columbus is colder. If that's the biggest factor in this recruitment...

To Which MaxBuck said...

...he's going to Florida.

Now add the two comments together we get, No doubt. Knoxville is cold in the winter. Columbus is colder. If that's the biggest factor in this recruitment......he's going to Florida.
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According to Marcus Hall he hung out with Marlon during his UT visit and was told that it's down to UGA and OSU for Marlon. Marcus also thinks Marlon is leaning toward OSU. Nothing against Marcus, but I'll believe it when I see it. This wouldn't be the first time a recruit incorrectly gauged another recruit's intent. I just wish I was a fly on the wall during that conversation.
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From the "experts" at ESPN...

Everything you need to know about signing day - College Sports - ESPN

Marlon Brown, WR, Memphis, Tenn./Harding Academy

Player rank (position rank): 24 (3)

Considering: Tennessee, Georgia, Florida, Ohio State and Ole Miss

Front-runner: By all accounts, Tennessee seems to be in the lead for Brown. Lane Kiffin has made bringing Brown to Knoxville a top priority; he was on a plane to see Brown within hours of officially taking the UT job. The Vols' location and the chance to play early could be key parts of Kiffin's pitch. Houston Nutt and Ole Miss have made a late push. The Rebels would give him the chance to play with a top-tier QB in Jevan Snead, and Brown could play basketball in Oxford.

Scouts Inc. says: Brown measures close to 6-6, and he knows how to use his frame. His athleticism makes him very difficult to handle off the line and on contested matchups downfield. He can outmuscle defenders for the ball, and his leaping ability makes it difficult to gain any position on him.
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