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'09 TN WR Marlon Brown (Georgia Signee)

SDBuckeye2;1390568; said:
Looks like the visit with Florida was not so great. No idea how credible this guy is but no mention of tOSU in regards to Boyd or Brown.

Hopefully he is wrong on both accounts.


I wouldn't put much stock in that guy.I saw several teams left off of players list that should have been on it.As for Marlon,I have NO idea who he's leaning towards,not even any of the papers in Tennessee have any "solid" gossip,or facts. I have a bad feeling UGA gets him though,which I would hate to see because we will have to deal with him on a yearly basis. If we don't get lucky and land him at UT, I had rather him go to OSU.

I will tell you this much,he is a good kid,and will be an asset to whatever team gets him.You won't have to worry about his grades,and him getting in trouble off the field.
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man, that guy doesn't have a clue -not a mention of tOSU:

"Tajh Boyd will select his school of choice on Monday. Most believe it is going to be Oregon but Clemson has made up a little ground lately and is way closer to home. We'll see."

"Urban Meyer strikes out again. Marlon Brown's visit didn't go as well as he would've liked. Brown dropped Florida from consideration and it looks like Tennessee or Georgia for him."
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Midwest Recruiting Blog - ESPN

Under Armour All-American wide receiver Marlon Brown (Memphis, Tenn./Harding Academy) is also planning to announce his college choice on Wednesday on ESPNU. Brown is considering Tennessee, Florida, Ohio State and Georgia. He will welcome in Tressel for an in-home visit todayon Thursday before leaving for an official visit to Tennessee on Friday.
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I've been following his recruitment since the under armour game (granted thats not that long), but I just don't feel good about it. We'll see what he decides on Wednesday. Wish him luck with his decision.
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I've thought all along he would end up at Georgia. Too bad because he could be the man here imo and he may be in A.J. Green's shadow at UGA. Or benefit from having a WR like Green across from him to have to worry about. Either way, he stays south and the world goes on like normal, nothing new.
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