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'09 TN WR Marlon Brown (Georgia Signee)

JCOSU86;1380533; said:
UT leads? Hang on, we are looking at another roller coaster for this recruit.

It seems to be nowadays that the "leading school" is the school that has done something most recently, kind of like "what have you done for me lately". It does not seem to be a true tell of where they are actually leaning towards, esp. with the big name recruits.

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scarletandgray1;1380586; said:
It seems to be nowadays that the "leading school" is the school that has done something most recently, kind of like "what have you done for me lately". It does not seem to be a true tell of where they are actually leaning towards, esp. with the big name recruits.


Word. When you look at the decision on signing day, generally I think you see the constant team in the process, rather than the "hot" team at the time (minus Barksdale's of the world). That is why I think many still believe Hall will sign OSU. With Brown, I have never seen a real consistent school though, so I think it's anyone's guess at this point. My guess is UGA for what it's worth. I really hope it is OSU though...his speed and athleticism for a guy his size blew me away at the UA game. That slant he took to the house was amazing and I think Brown is a top 10-15 player in the country.
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Other factors Mr. Brown should consider for his 3-5 years in a program, such as TV exposure (we got), solid O-line (we got, and will continue to have), QB to get him the ball (TP, and Boyd(?) as successor), NC exposure (we got more than Tennessee over the next 3-10 years), family atmosphere, or a 'fun, caring place to play' (we got), and good coaching (we got from top down).

Tennessee may have a resurgence under Kiffin, but Marlon will be a stepping stone, and will not reap the benefits while he's there. It seems like Fulmer has left that cupboard bare.

Just sayin', :gobucks3::gobucks4::banger:
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calibuck;1380904; said:
Other factors Mr. Brown should consider for his 3-5 years in a program, such as TV exposure (we got), solid O-line (we got, and will continue to have), QB to get him the ball (TP, and Boyd(?) as successor), NC exposure (we got more than Tennessee over the next 3-10 years), family atmosphere, or a 'fun, caring place to play' (we got), and good coaching (we got from top down).

Tennessee may have a resurgence under Kiffin, but Marlon will be a stepping stone, and will not reap the benefits while he's there. It seems like Fulmer has left that cupboard bare.

I agree with all of that. The only thing that I wonder is if being under a new coach at a school with good history and trying to get that school back into the nation's limelight, is important to him. I know that a lot of stars like that challenge and want to be apart of something new like that.

Hope all of your factors weigh more.
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Of all the undecided guys on our short list this is the one I want most. (Okay, I admit it. I want all of them) :biggrin:

We have Pryor, but we need playmakers on the outside, and Brown sure looks like one. Come on up to C-bus, Marlon. :osu:
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osugrad21;1385504; said:
Scout$--Marlon Brown update -

Ole Miss made a huge impression on Marlon and the Rebels are now in the race.

...one key note from Marlon was that he believes that the QB situations at Ole Miss with Jevan Snead and Ohio State with Terrelle Pryor are in th ebest shape right now.

TIFWIW, but the fact that he speaks with Terrelle on a regular basis could mean a lot.
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BGriffBuckeye;1385531; said:
...one key note from Marlon was that he believes that the QB situations at Ole Miss with Jevan Snead and Ohio State with Terrelle Pryor are in th ebest shape right now.

TIFWIW, but the fact that he speaks with Terrelle on a regular basis could mean a lot.

Well I only saw one Ole Miss game this year, but Snead appears to be a pretty decent passer. According to their website, he threw for over 2700 yards and 26 TDs on the season. (That's 212 yrds a game) I'm certain TPs numbers (as well as the whole offense) will be improved next year, but I can see how the Rebels may look pretty appealing to Marlon.
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buckeyes_rock;1385536; said:
Well I only saw one Ole Miss game this year, but Snead appears to be a pretty decent passer. According to their website, he threw for over 2700 yards and 26 TDs on the season. (That's 212 yrds a game) I'm certain TPs numbers (as well as the whole offense) will be improved next year, but I can see how the Rebels may look pretty appealing to Marlon.

Isn't crazy Houston Nutt normally into the rushing attack? I know Tressel hasn't been turning out 1000 yard receivers, but I couldn't name one player on Arkansas outside of Darren McFadden and Felix Jones. (Casey Dick doesn't count because his name is Dick).

Snead is obviously a better passer than TP at this point, but he's had 3(ish) years to get there.
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Poe McKnoe;1385775; said:
Isn't crazy Houston Nutt normally into the rushing attack? I know Tressel hasn't been turning out 1000 yard receivers, but I couldn't name one player on Arkansas outside of Darren McFadden and Felix Jones. (Casey Dick doesn't count because his name is Dick).

Snead is obviously a better passer than TP at this point, but he's had 3(ish) years to get there.

Jamaal Anderson, Chris Houston, and Peyton Hillis were all on that team and are having a considerable impact in the NFL -- although I realize only Hillis was on offense.
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