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'09 TN WR Marlon Brown (Georgia Signee)

OWUBuckeye51;1375060; said:
If Brown is as good as advertised, I see no reason why he couldn't play right away.

I salivate over a potential WR corp of Brown, Posey and Dane.

Don't forget Carter! After watching the Fiesta Bowl, I can see how Brown could play a huge role in our offense. I love his size.
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Marlon has become a hot commodity, so we should not get too excited about the possibilities just yet. This will go on for a while , maybe even after signing day. But, he seems a great, JT type kid.
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Maybe a homer view here but:

GEORGIA: Just lost ALL their offense, 90%in fact. Now, I am sure they have quality coming in, and they lose Massaoqui at wide out, but who is going to throw him the ball?

OHIO STATE: Small and Hartline are both reportedly on the outs to the NFL, unfortunately. But, this can only help us with Marlon, as we will not have any WRs with much experience and he can work his way into the 2-deep if he works hard enough. Pryor will get better with experience, give it time, he is one HELL of an athlete and showed glimpses earlier that he will come around as passer. Plus, Boyd is a real possibility and he looked much better than Murray (not saying he IS) at the Army game. Yeah it's cold, but so is the NFL. We produce better WRs to the pros than his other 3 finalists. He'll have Cris Carter as a mentor at the position, plus Hazell as a coach.

TENNESSEE: The coach is scum, already has proven he mirrors the "snake oil salesman type." Plus, they are just godawful, without a QB to speak of. They are just bad right now.

FLORIDA: Sure, they put up great numbers, but they have a TON of WRs and now Debose too. I really don't think these guys are in it as much as the other two and us, but you never know with his official visit coming up. Meyer is a great coach, not as good of a guy as Tress though, that's not even close (no offense Meyer, would love to see you come north when Tress retires). Their offense just does not really seem to develop WRs like we have had in recent years.

I don't know, I just really do not see a better fit for him than Ohio State. Again, maybe I am being biased, but those the characteristics I see at each school. Sure, you could say Pryor isn't a passer and won't be a passer, but he's 18, wasn't here for the spring, was thrust into the starting position earlier than he though, etc. He has a WHOLE offseason now and has some familiarity with the playbook... he WILL get better. He and Marlon seem to have a nice bond. I would say Georgia could have been a better place just because of the location/weather caters better to him than we do, but that is NO reason to pick a school if that's all they got, and that IS all they have without Stafford and Moreno.
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Inside Georgia Recruiting: UGA WR targets not affected by Stafford departure for the NFL

January 8th, 2009 by mcarvell

For any wide receiver recruited by UGA, next year was shaping up to be the opportunity of a lifetime. It was the chance to catch passes from Matthew Stafford, one of college football’s biggest stars and Georgia’s best-ever pro prospect at quarterback.

However, Stafford decided on Wednesday to exit for the NFL, along with Knowshon Moreno. So how do UGA’s top two remaining recruiting targets at wide receiver feel about it?

“I’m happy for him [Stafford], I think he made the right decision,” said Marlon Brown of Memphis, who is deciding between Tennessee, Georgia, Ohio State and LSU.

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MililaniBuckeye;1377018; said:
He'd better get used to it if he has any plans at all of being an NFL player some day...

Totally agree.
You'd think you'd hear more that the cold was actually used as a selling point to recruits. You know, 'a get used to it now, rather than later', kind of thing.
The NFL is a cold weather league when cold weather comes, is it not?
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MililaniBuckeye;1377018; said:
He'd better get used to it if he has any plans at all of being an NFL player some day...
TOUCHE'... Patriots, Bills, Jets, Giants, Eagles, Steelers, Browns, Colts, Bears, Packers, Vikings, Broncos, Seahawks.. with Redskins, Ravens, Rams & Cinci as maybees... so if he doesn't play FOR one of these teams.. he will be playing AT one of these teams
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