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'09 TN WR Marlon Brown (Georgia Signee)

NJ-Buckeye;1377028; said:
TOUCHE'... Patriots, Bills, Jets, Giants, Eagles, Steelers, Browns, Colts, Bears, Packers, Vikings, Broncos, Seahawks.. with Redskins, Ravens, Rams & Cinci as maybees... so if he doesn't play FOR one of these teams.. he will be playing AT one of these teams

Colts, Vikings, Rams? I guess living there can get cold at times, but domes don't get very cold.
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Regarding playing time, we don't have anyone on the roster at WR that has Marlon's kind of size, which is why Pryor was splitting out wide in the bowl game. Also, guys of Marlon's caliber (5*) that we've recruited in the recent past and played WR (Ginn, Posey) played right away and had a major impact on the team. IF Ray Small and/or Brian Hartline leave for the NFL draft with Robiskie, he'll be given one heck of a shot to earn a starting spot.

That's the truth.
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BuckTwenty;1379090; said:
Regarding playing time, we don't have anyone on the roster at WR that has Marlon's kind of size, which is why Pryor was splitting out wide in the bowl game. Also, guys of Marlon's caliber (5*) that we've recruited in the recent past and played WR (Ginn, Posey) played right away and had a major impact on the team. IF Ray Small and/or Brian Hartline leave for the NFL draft with Robiskie, he'll be given one heck of a shot to earn a starting spot.

That's the truth.

Are we forgetting about Stoneburner?
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NugentsMyHero;1379329; said:
Are we forgetting about Stoneburner?
They have distinctly different builds and skill sets. Stoneburner, from his HS film, seems more like a deep ball, power wide receiver. He takes a lot of screen passes and he has the speed to get by people and the power to gain some extra yards. He's 6'5, 230 lbs, and he may be able to add 10 pounds without compromising his 4.46 speed. He is also a stupendous deep ball target. He has the body of a TE and the speed of a WR. In a shotgun set, he would run the routes that Heath Miller and Dallas Clark run in the NFL.

Marlon Brown's film is rather different. He makes people miss. He's got quick RB moves and a WR's body. He's got a great stiff arm and he makes quick cuts. Whereas Stoneburner is more straight line with power, Marlon seems to have the vision of a RB. Marlon dodges and dances. Jake powers over people. Marlon is 6'5, 205 lbs with 4.5 speed (Probably greater). He could make both a superb possession receiver whilst also being a great deep ball threat. He also seems like a great guy to run a reverse with.

Marlon is an oversized RB playing WR. Stoneburner is a tweener WR/TE. Both are amazing talents. A combination of both of these guys on the field would be deadly.
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stoody24;1379303; said:
Has Tressel used his in-home visit yet?

If not, when might that happen.

Tressel likes to get in the second of the five weeks. Tress wins them over with 3 really good promises, normally "Great National Exposure", "Ample playing time first year on campus" and my favorite " Finish in the Top 10 2 years in a row".

I heard with Brown, however, that Tressel used all 10 minutes of his time to pitch "Stability" and "Proximity to Home", two things Brown wasn't concerned about. Brown went from a smiley face to an angry face.

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Poe McKnoe;1379705; said:
Tressel likes to get in the second of the five weeks. Tress wins them over with 3 really good promises, normally "Great National Exposure", "Ample playing time first year on campus" and my favorite " Finish in the Top 10 2 years in a row".

I heard with Brown, however, that Tressel used all 10 minutes of his time to pitch "Stability" and "Proximity to Home", two things Brown wasn't concerned about. Brown went from a smiley face to an angry face.


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He did however unlock some new pitches.

Anyways, I agree with the assessment of his game compared to Stoneburners. Having the two of them on the field together will cause defenses trouble and might actually help fix our redzone woes from 2008.
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NJ-Buckeye;1377028; said:
TOUCHE'... Patriots, Bills, Jets, Giants, Eagles, Steelers, Browns, Colts, Bears, Packers, Vikings, Broncos, Seahawks.. with Redskins, Ravens, Rams & Cinci as maybees... so if he doesn't play FOR one of these teams.. he will be playing AT one of these teams

Yesterday's San Diego at Pittsburgh game in the snow is a perfect example...
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ESPiN (free) -- A handful of Dominant Defenders Still Undecided About College Futures

Marlon Brown, WR, Memphis/Harding Academy

Player rank (position rank): 24 (3)
Considering: Tennessee, Georgia, Florida, Ohio State and Ole Miss.

Front-runner: By all accounts, Tennessee seems to be leading for Brown. Lane Kiffin has made bringing Brown to Knoxville a top priority; he was on a plane to see Brown within hours of officially taking the UT job. The Vols' location and the chance to play early could be key parts of Kiffin's pitch.

Scouts Inc. says: Brown measures close to 6-6, and he knows how to use his frame. His athleticism makes him very difficult to handle off the line and on contested matchups downfield. He can outmuscle defenders for the ball, and his leaping ability makes it difficult to gain any position on him.

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