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'09 AZ DT Corey Adams (Arizona State Signee)

wadc45;1253831; said:
BN $


By BK...not making an official to USC this weekend because they are not allowing officials this weekend. Says his decision will be based on his officials and will announce at the Under Armour game.

Interesting move by Petey... Can't say I blame him though... There would've been a circus of recruits coming to the game...
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Rivals FREE


USC obviously is hot and heavy after Phoenix five-star end Devon Kennard, who will be an unofficial visitor for this weekend's game against Ohio State. It looks as if they have dropped the aforementioned Adams at tackle while moving Scottsdale end Craig Roh up the recruiting board.


That USC is backing off Adams is good news for Arizona State and Ohio State, who likely will be the teams battling for him down the stretch.
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From just a week ago...

irishtrojan;1247440; said:
Just to clear up, Usc is not cooling on Corey, we are not offering any other player for the 2009 class unless he very very impressive and from California. We are focusing attention on Kennard, Adams, Harris and Te'o and starting on the 2010 class. With Ucla on the up, Pete see's recruiting top players early as a key.

Then today...

Rivals FREE said:
That USC is backing off Adams is good news for Arizona State and Ohio State, who likely will be the teams battling for him down the stretch.

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crazybuckfan40;1255271; said:
If Adams wants USC they will take him...Don't believe everything you read...If they back off it will be because they feel that he is going to go elsewhere...
However, they did ask him not to take his unofficial visit this weekend so that might be an indication. I have no idea.
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LitlBuck;1255282; said:
However, they did ask him not to take his unofficial visit this weekend so that might be an indication. I have no idea.

wadc45;1253831; said:
BN $


By BK...not making an official to USC this weekend because they are not allowing officials this weekend. Says his decision will be based on his officials and will announce at the Under Armour game.

They told him no officials for any prospect this weekend. I believe he's free to make an unofficial if he wants to.
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I have to sound a word of caution to everybody here. Don't rejoice just because it seems USC is out of the mix. We can't write ASU out at this time. Remember Anthony Davis? Everybody (myself included) were happy that USC left the picture. Nobody expected Rutgers to even have a chance. NEVER count out the home team.
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ant80;1256341; said:
I have to sound a word of caution to everybody here. Don't rejoice just because it seems USC is out of the mix. We can't write ASU out at this time. Remember Anthony Davis? Everybody (myself included) were happy that USC left the picture. Nobody expected Rutgers to even have a chance. NEVER count out the home team.
Somewhere in Arizona, Reagdog is smiling.
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BuckTwenty;1256406; said:
Somewhere in Arizona, Reagdog is smiling.

I am smiling :) but I won't be happy until he is wearing the maroon and gold. The Arizona Cardinals always suck so I'm hoping ASU can keep building a better program under Erickson so there will be one winning football program in this state. Adams has said he is taking an official visit to tOSU so who knows where he will end up?
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