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'09 AZ DT Corey Adams (Arizona State Signee)

So tOSU coach's are visiting Corey Adams in AZ before the USC game? Maybe they will throw him on a plane with them and he can sit on tOSU's bench and that will count as his official visit. Just kidding.

On another note, the third best player from AZ (Craig Roh) wanted to visit USC for the tOSU game but USC wouldn't allow him to so it sounds like he is skipping his official to USC. Seems like USC is shooting themselves in the foot here the last few days, or maybe they have so many other good recruits they can disregard the 2nd and 3rd best players in AZ? USC is still going after the #1 ranked AZ player Devon Kennard.
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A guy that works closely with Corey Adams' high school football team said that USC isn't backing off of Corey, but just wouldn't let him take an official visit to the USC vs tOSU game but encouraged him to take an unofficial for that game. Just an FYI.
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I wonder if they came with a jersey in hand, wondering what he was doing Saturday night? :biggrin: But Adams HAS to be priority #1 right now, unless we go for Campbell, in which case he is 1b.
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RB07OSU;1262752; said:
I wonder if they came with a jersey in hand, wondering what he was doing Saturday night? :biggrin: But Adams HAS to be priority #1 right now, unless we go for Campbell, in which case he is 1b.

RB07OSU, Considering all the time they have spent on Adams (an his family interest) i think it's sink or swim unless Campbell show some real genuine interest. Shaq Rowell could help come January if he gets the grades.
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Buckrock;1262781; said:
RB07OSU, Considering all the time they have spent on Adams (an his family interest) i think it's sink or swim unless Campbell show some real genuine interest. Shaq Rowell could help come January if he gets the grades.

Rowell hasn't played DT in a few years...not sure he's gonna help anytime soon.

Adams and Hall are 1a and 1b right now, as far as I'm concerned. BOTH are "must-gets", as much as I hate to use that term.
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