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'09 AZ DT Corey Adams (Arizona State Signee)

Corey says the atmosphere at Nebraska blows away ASU and the Huskers are now in serious consideration.

Wow. If atmosphere is that important I like our chances. We may not consistently be the loudest in the land but as opposed to USC and ASU we can at least sell the place out. Get him here for PSU or UM and it should all be over - including the shouting.
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Oh8ch;1277865; said:
Wow. If atmosphere is that important I like our chances. We may not consistently be the loudest in the land but as opposed to USC and ASU we can at least sell the place out. Get him here for PSU or UM and it should all be over - including the shouting.

Yes, but I don't think he's scheduled to visit until 12/2, which I don't think is a game day.
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osugrad21;1277633; said:

Corey says the atmosphere at Nebraska blows away ASU and the Huskers are now in serious consideration.

We've been discussing this point on the ASU websites and I'm not sure many fan bases are as loyal and loud as Nebraska fans. I mean, what else is there to do in Nebraska besides follow Husker football?

It did sting to hear those comments from Adams, but sometimes the truth hurts.

Do you guys think Nebraska has a chance?
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I think if we're serious about Adams, and based on these Nebraska comments.. it would be foolish not to push for him to visit for PSU or Michigan.

His comments are right there on paper about how the atmosphere was a big factor in Nebraska moving up his list.. therefore, get him on campus for one of those crazy atmospheres.. I know our staff likes the after season visit cause they have more time and stuff, but I always think you're hurting your chances with an OOS kid if you dont bring them in for a game, especially a big game.
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reagdog;1278175; said:
We've been discussing this point on the ASU websites and I'm not sure many fan bases are as loyal and loud as Nebraska fans. I mean, what else is there to do in Nebraska besides follow Husker football?

It did sting to hear those comments from Adams, but sometimes the truth hurts.

Do you guys think Nebraska has a chance?

I'd like to think OSU game day experience would compare pretty favorably to Nebraska.

This is what we've been trying to tell you, reagdog. There's a reason certain schools pull in top recruits year in and year out. ASU doesn't have the following that the traditional powers do yet.
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Buckeyecty4;1278193; said:
I think if we're serious about Adams, and based on these Nebraska comments.. it would be foolish not to push for him to visit for PSU or Michigan.

His comments are right there on paper about how the atmosphere was a big factor in Nebraska moving up his list.. therefore, get him on campus for one of those crazy atmospheres.. I know our staff likes the after season visit cause they have more time and stuff, but I always think you're hurting your chances with an OOS kid if you dont bring them in for a game, especially a big game.

Agreed. Bring him for scUM. He'll probably see a few cities' worth of people outside the Shoe, and the game will be ridiculous. No other atmosphere rivals this, I'm sure.

We need to get him here.
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Adams enjoys first two visits

ESPN - West Recruiting Blog reports:
It's two trips down and two more to go for Under Armour All-American Corey Adams (Scottsdale, Ariz./Saguaro). The talented defensive lineman has already visited Arizona State and Nebraska and will take his trip to Ohio State later this month before visiting USC in December. Adams is the top defensive tackle in the West and might have held that honor as a junior. He's an absolute monster in the middle of the line and is trying to recover from a high ankle sprain that sidelined him for the early part of this season. "It happened in our first game this season," Adams said. "I was so depressed because this is my senior year. I finally got back on the field for our last game, but I'm definitely not myself out there.
"I have no explosiveness and no change of direction. At first, I was real timid and was thinking that I didn't want to do any more damage to my ankle but as the game went on, I told myself to just give it all I have and that's what I'm going to do the rest of the season."
Saguaro has won back-to-back state titles and with 24 consecutive wins is closing in on the Arizona 4A record of 28 consecutive wins set by Chaparral (Scottsdale) in 1999-2001.
"That's definitely a goal but the biggest goal we have is to three-peat and win another state title," said Adams.
On the recruiting front, Adams said he loved both of his visits and looks forward to seeing Ohio State and USC later in the year.
"ASU was a very good visit," Adams said. "I've been there a ton of times, but this trip allowed me to see more of the campus and get to know the players on the team a little more.
"I have a teammate, Kody Koebensky, that is already committed to ASU and he was on the visit with me. I also know one of their safeties, Matt Tabach, because he played at Saguaro and there's a lot of former students here who are now at ASU and it was cool to hang out with all of them.
Adams gave the visit to Nebraska an equally glowing review.
"At Nebraska, the game atmosphere was incredible," Adams said. "The fan support they have is really amazing and the highlight of the trip for me. I got along great with the players and they made me feel like part of a family.
"I have a teammate who is from Nebraska and he told me I was going to love the trip but said there isn't a whole lot to do there. When I was driving from the airport to Lincoln, I was looking around and there wasn't much there, so I had to laugh a little at that, but I can definitely see myself at Nebraska and I would be very comfortable there."
Adams will next visit Ohio State (Oct. 24) and then USC will be his final trip (Dec. 12).
"Both of these schools are similar in that you really don't need to say much about them other than, 'it's USC' or 'it's Ohio State.' When someone asks me why I like USC, all I have to say is, 'it's USC' and that speaks for itself and Ohio State is the same way.
"I went to a NIKE Camp at USC two years ago but that's the only time I've been there. I'm looking forward to seeing more of the campus and I like Coach Holt a lot, he's the one recruiting me.
"Ohio State is a school I've liked since I was a kid. They have great tradition and I really like the coaches a lot. I've bonded with those guys pretty well but I really don't have a leader right now, my trips will decide it for me."
Adams said he plans to make his college choice public at the Under Armour All-America Game January 4.
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MililaniBuckeye;1287129; said:
If atmosphere is important to him, game over...

Yup. I've got this feeling that the Shoe will be rockin' that night. Hopefully PSU can somehow make it up to #1. I know the crowd has been very disappointing this year, but I have faith that it will be insane that night..

Students (probably drunk for the most part) on both ends? Can't beat that. You'll be deaf if you watch it on TV..

Enjoy the visit, Corey. Become a Buckeye at heart that night. :biggrin:
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Scout.com: Scout's Out and About

Friday: Scottsdale Saguaro vs. Scottsdale Chaparral

I get the chance to to see three of Arizona's top five players in one game when I go out to watch Scottsdale Saguaro and Scottsdale Chaparral. These bitter cross-town rivals played two of the best games in the state last year when they faced each other in the regular season and in the playoffs.

Saguaro has been known for its great offensive and defensive lines and this year is no exception. Five-star defensive tackle Corey Adams leads Saguaro along with Arizona State commit Kody Koebensky at guard and Boise State commit Justin Jungblut at defensive end. Running behind those big guys is Beau Burton, who at 5-foot-11, 205 pounds, has the size to pound the ball but has the speed to score at any time. He is averaging of 12 yards per carry and received his first offer last week from UNLV.

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my dad was at the chaparral/saguaro game on friday night. he said dennis erickson was in attendance. saguaro kicked chaparral's butt to keep their winning streak intact. the only thing my dad mentioned was that the game was pretty dirty with a lot of personal fouls for late hits etc. sounds like nothing has changed since i was there. its a huge rivalry game and emotions usually run pretty high.
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