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'08 PA LB Shayne Hale (Pitt signee)

Bucksfan4life;885935; said:

Premium info on Hale about where he stands with Ohio State and talks a bit about the possibilty of a package deal.
Usually, when a story is published about a recruit and then linked here, there is a brief summary given, not just what it says in the headline or whatever you get for free access. It would be much appreciated if you do have access to any of these sites you keep linking stories from... to do that.
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He basically said that Saddler loved his visit to Ohio State and that he was more excited about the OSU visit than Shayne was. Shayne also talks about how much he loves the coaches at OSU.

Basically I think what this means is that both Saddler and Hale would love to go to OSU and now Shayne is doing his part to try to get his cuz an offer.
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Bucksfan4life;885979; said:
But if a recruit rejects interest is'nt that 1 offer we get back?

You can offer as many recruits as you want, but you can only accept a certain amount. We have 17 scholarships (9 of those are already accounted for) to give at the present time, and will probably end up with no more than 20 depending on how many guys leave early.

So with such little numbers, we don't have room to offer a tiny return specialist just to land his much more talented cousin.
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LordJeffBuck;886006; said:
Yes, it could hurt to give him an offer - I certainly don't want JT & Co. to be "saddled" with a kid whom they don't want.

Bingo. You don't spend two schollies to get one desired recruit, especially when schollies are limited.
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Hale has the size, speed, and overall potential to be GIANT at the next level. At 5'6 and 157lbs, Saddler may be great at his current level and I am sure he has been great his entire life in every level that he has competed so far but gambling on a growth spurt with limited schollies definitely is not something that our staff is willing to do at this stage of the recruiting game. This is at least the way I see it. We may be interested in Saddler but not enough to warrant putting ourself in a crunch later.

Heck I am all for evaluating Saddler over this upcoming season to see how he developes physically. Put up another awesome year, gain 25 pounds and grow 5 or 6 inches and gain a tenth on the 40 time and if things don't pan out with other targets, we move on down the list. If Saddler is there go for him but so much has to happen and a lot of things have to go south for our recruiting for it to come to that.

Whatever the case, I think the best thing to come out would be if Saddler goes to scUM and Hale comes here and they make a sibling rivalry of the whole thing.
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Scout $


Gateway head coach stated that Hale and Saddler have planned three official visits (Michigan, Virginia, and West Virginia).

The optimist is looking at the list and realizes that both have their "non package" schools not listed so they probably just haven't planned them yet.

The pessimist is looking at this and wondering where is Ohio State and thinking the package deal IS going to happen.

Time will tell.
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FWIW..kruelic said in his free chat yesterday that he doesnt consider hale to be in this osu class..said the package deal is for real b/c saddler is somewhat the mouthpiece for the soft spoken hale...also said osu will not offer saddler just to get hale because of the numbers crunch.....from his chat it made it sound like hale wont be coming to osu...just passing it on
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cheetah;888755; said:
Make no mistake about it, Saddler is a damn good player and could play for us. We just have better options. I see Lictenfels thinks Hale is leaning towards Michigan anyway.

He thinks that because Michigan is their biggest common offer... I think the package deal is much more likely to go down at UVA or WVU...
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