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'08 PA LB Shayne Hale (Pitt signee)

Hale has 4 main schools hes focused on.West Virginia,Michigan,Virginia,and of course Us.west virginia,michigan,and virginia offered both him and his cousin.Were the only ones who didnt do that.but we still make the cut and he says the package deal isnt a sure thing.he said he wants to go where he feels comfortable.hehe.
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Bucksfan4life;884250; said:
Hale has 4 main schools hes focused on.West Virginia,Michigan,Virginia,and of course Us.west virginia,michigan,and virginia offered both him and his cousin.Were the only ones who didnt do that.but we still make the cut and he says the package deal isnt a sure thing.he said he wants to go where he feels comfortable.hehe.

Thanks for the recap...
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Jedi this one not!
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July 20, 2007
WVU staff gunning for recruiting family plan
By Mitch Vingle
Sports Editor

THOUGHT I?D bring West Virginia football fans a little recruiting news today.



You see, the Mountaineers are recruiting two very talented cousins. And if WVU can land the services of one, they might just get both.

The pair being chased by Rich Rodriguez and company is Shayne Hale and Cameron Saddler of Gateway High in Monroeville, Pa.

The Charleston Gazette - Sports
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Bucksfan4life;885125; said:
That really really sucks.But i like the fact that they compared him to lawrence taylor.Like i said before,hopefully hes doing whats best for him and not just followin around his cousin.

That article was written off of no new knowledge, so don't look too much into it. That is basically a summary of the whole "package deal" talk from sites overs the last couple of weeks.

As far as the comparison, it was STRICTLY size, not performance. Throw in that Hale is his size and still is only going to be a senior in HS and you can natrually assume he bulks up just a bit.

Either way, there are some very conflicting reports about Hale and it should get very interesting.
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OSUBuckeye4Life;885145; said:
That article was written off of no new knowledge, so don't look too much into it. That is basically a summary of the whole "package deal" talk from sites overs the last couple of weeks.

As far as the comparison, it was STRICTLY size, not performance. Throw in that Hale is his size and still is only going to be a senior in HS and you can natrually assume he bulks up just a bit.

Soooo you are saying the author of that article could still be a good contractor?

(Bob and Tom reference)
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NightmaresDad;885234; said:
Yeah. Everybody knows you can't get an accurate height of someone with their clothes on.....or weight.....or whatever.... Anyway....

Huh. I never made the connection. :biggrin:

As time passes I am beginning to feel like Hale is going to end up at OSU.

Hale has not discussed the package in certain terms in some time. When he does mention it he is quick to say it would be nice, but he never says it is a done deal like Saddler does. Saddler seems convinced, but I think that is because he knows much of his buzz is tied to Hale, so of course he is holding on to his life line.

In the end I think Hale ends up at OSU and Saddler at Virginia. Just a hunch, but Saddler was very happy with UVA, and that seems to be the one school on his final list that would give him a very good shot at moving up the depth chart on his own merit.

Maybe that isn't fair to Saddler, but that is just the imperssion I am left with.

I would REALLY like to see Hale in this class... and I fear if he doesn't come here solo he ends up at UM with Saddler. :nerd:

No info here....just rambling about a VBet I would like to make.
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