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'08 PA LB Shayne Hale (Pitt signee)

OSUBucks22;888763; said:
He thinks that because Michigan is their biggest common offer... I think the package deal is much more likely to go down at UVA or WVU...

I get that feeling too. Michigan seems to think of Saddler solely as a return man, with maybe being able to play receiver.

Virginia and WVU seem to be more open to him playing a bigger role in their offenses.

I still stand by my prediction that Saddler commits to Virginia before christmas and Hale commits to the good guys either at the Army game or on signing day.
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OWUBuckeye51;888901; said:
How valid do you think the package deal is 22?

I've never been one that thought it would happen, but after things I've heard the last few weeks it seems increasingly possible that the package deal will go through for someone... Hope not for our sake, but I'm not optimistic about Hale right now...
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The one good aspect of the "package deal" is that it's always Saddler hyping it up. Hale has never said that it's a done deal; in fact, he's mentioned how "each one" (read: he) will pick the best school for themselves (read: himself). I still think it's Hale to OSU and Saddler to WVU or UV. Saddler has done a really good job riding Hale's back to get extra offers. I still think there is a high likelihood that Hale (and maybe Saddler) will schedule an official to OSU during the year. If that happens, a split decision becomes more likely, one would think.
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Napoleonbuck;888908; said:
I get that feeling too. Michigan seems to think of Saddler solely as a return man, with maybe being able to play receiver.

Virginia and WVU seem to be more open to him playing a bigger role in their offenses.

I still stand by my prediction that Saddler commits to Virginia before christmas and Hale commits to the good guys either at the Army game or on signing day.

I think you are very observant and dead on with your prediction and maybe BL is just speculating in the other direction.
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drewlaw;888976; said:
Bob Lichtenfelds sais we were basically out of it for Hale. Bob knows those Pittsburg area kids like no other IMO.
Yep, and Big Bob predicted Andrew Sweat to PSU....

And back when he made the Sweat prediction, he called Hale to Ohio State....

Which goes to show that: (a) experts are sometimes wrong, and (b) kids sometimes change their minds.
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Yep, and Big Bob predicted Andrew Sweat to PSU....

And back when he made the Sweat prediction, he called Hale to Ohio State....

Which goes to show that: (a) experts are sometimes wrong, and (b) kids sometimes change their minds.
Yeah, i agree, but i think the truth is clearly somewhere in the middle. I think that we are looking for answers to questions that won't be resolved for quite some time here and any little tidbit of info is strutinized over way too much, especially with a prospect as talented as Mr. Hale here. I'm sure he'll change his mind again, multiple times, it's the biggest decision of his young life. I just hope he doesn't make the wrong choice just to follow a friend, that would be sad. As much as I'd like to see him in a buckeye uniform, when speaking about the quality of the football program he can't go wrong with either UM or OSU.
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TSUN is not chopped liver. If they are that tight, that's the obvious choice, but I think it would be Saddler making the mistake there as in never seeing the field. One would by extension think that Saddler would have the misgivings there and any other schools whom both have offered would make Hale think twice.
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LordJeffBuck;888983; said:
Yep, and Big Bob predicted Andrew Sweat to PSU....

And back when he made the Sweat prediction, he called Hale to Ohio State....

Which goes to show that: (a) experts are sometimes wrong, and (b) kids sometimes change their minds.

For the PSU site last year, Licthenfels picked where he thought a lot of kids would go and he ended up being right less than 50% of the time. So he clearly doesn't know anything.
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