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'08 PA LB Shayne Hale (Pitt signee)

flybuckeye;882631; said:
I did find it a little strange that in the M. Brewster article in the Plain Dealer today, his top 10 list of players he's recruiting include Filer and Sabino and not Hale.

Maybe that says it all...............
Coaches can't comment on recruits.
But, Brewster may know what's really going on.
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wadc45;882572; said:
Once again, no idea what to make of this...

Rivals $


From the Michigan site...update on Cameron Saddler...talks about his last visit to UM and some of the UM players he knows. Saddler says he and Shayne have discussed it again and they are 100% sure they are going to the same school...either Michigan, Virginia or WVU.

Saddler said that, not Hale. Hale has recently stated that the package deal is not 100%.
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Does anyone else think a signing day decision would be in our best interests? I can't imagine Michigan holding a spot for Saddler all the way to signing day, and I haven't really read anything from any sources that suggests Hale is all the enamored with Virginia or West Virginia. Maybe it's just me, but I think the longer this goes the better for us.
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Napoleonbuck;882648; said:
Does anyone else think a signing day decision would be in our best interests? I can't imagine Michigan holding a spot for Saddler all the way to signing day, and I haven't really read anything from any sources that suggests Hale is all the enamored with Virginia or West Virginia. Maybe it's just me, but I think the longer this goes the better for us.

Actually I think both stated they had a good time at West Virginia.
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Odd indeed but Saddler always puts words in Shayne's mouth in about every update. Shayne has never been quoted saying that the package deal is definite so I'll wait until I hear him say it himself.
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It is in Saddler's best interest to let everyone believe they are a package deal 100%. Hale is the marque player, which can only help Saddler.

I'd be surprised if Mich, WV and UV would be foolish enough to offer Saddler only b/c of the package deal. Have any of these schools done a package deal before?

It will be interesting to see this plays out. Has Saddler mentioned anything about when he wants to commit? If he is trying to leverage the package thing, Saddler may want to commit first, unless they do it at the same time. Otherwise, he may never get the package offer.
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RB07OSU;882660; said:
Odd indeed but Saddler always puts words in Shayne's mouth in about every update.

Not odd at all. I've seen it several times in the past. The "lesser" (and I don't mean that in a derogatory fashion) prospect with fewer options talks a lot about what "their" plans are. The more highly recruited plays his cards closer to the vest.

Most of the time in those cases it seems that the more highly recruited player ends up going somewhere where his buddy doesn't have an offer.
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Over on the Rivals Main Board, somebody is saying that Rivals Radio reported that Hale will visit Miami this weekend for an unoffical...

If true, sounds like further evidence that Shayne isn't totally committed to this package deal talk
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Jul 17, 2007 5:32 pm US/Eastern

Gateway Senior LB Hale Exudes Confidence, Humility
Coveted prospect eyes chance to showcase flexibility
The following story was written by KDKA Web Intern Sean Fagan

Hale said he has received roughly 40 Division-I schools but has not yet decided where he wants to attend school. He says the biggest factor in his decision will be to find a place where he can fit in immediately.

?It needs to be a program that would be good for me,? said Hale. ?If I play the way I can play, I can bring NFL coaches to me.?

Some scouting services have Hale listed as a linebacker, while others have him listed as a defensive end. Hale said if given the choice, he?d prefer to stay at linebacker, but indicated he simply wants to play football.

?I can do a little bit of everything, so I like to get moved around,? said Hale. ?The offense doesn?t know where I?m coming from.?

Another possible factor for Hale?s decision could come from Cameron Saddler. Saddler, Hale?s cousin, has also received scholarship offers from D-I schools, and there has been some talk that the pair could be a package deal. Hale, however, said that each will make the decision that is best for them.

?It would definitely be fun, just to have someone that you grew up with and played in high school with,? said Hale. ?But I have still have to look at what will be good for me.?

Hale, though, didn?t rule out choosing the same school as Saddler.

?If a school that he and I have offers from is a good school for both of us, we?ll probably both go there.?

kdka.com - Gateway Senior LB Hale Exudes Confidence, Humility
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Cameron Saddler is nursing from the Hale teet right now...I'd like to see them make individual decisions rather than a package one. Not just b/c I am a Buckeye fan, but also b/c it is to their benefit - what if one of them doesn't like where they end up but the only reason they went there is b/c the other's only offer was from said place?

That's a Pantera's box...I mean Pandora's box...
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