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'08 OH SF Delvon Roe (Michigan State Signee)

Credit goes to osugrad21 for the find...



Roe narrows choices

Friday, October 27, 2006

From staff reports

St. Edward's Delvon Roe, one of the most heavily re cruited bas ketball play ers in the nation, has reduced his long list of college possi bilities to five schools.

The 6-8 Roe, who is preparing for his junior season at St. Edward, says Michigan, Michigan State, Ohio State, North Carolina and Kansas are his final five. Among the other numerous major programs on his list were Florida, Illinois, Louisville and Connecticut.

"The plan now is for Delvon to play out the season and then revisit that five-team list at the end of the season," said Eagles coach Eric Flannery.

Roe, rated by Scout.com as the fifth-best player in the nation at any position for the Class of 2008, is expected to make his final decision before the end of the current school year. He then would sign his national letter of intent in November 2007.

A fluid and strong forward/post, Roe averaged 19.3 points, 11.9 rebounds and 5.5 blocks last season.

-- Eddie Dwyer
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Honestly you would think that would be best for us since he is waiting till after the season.

IMO we have the best chance of the 3 local schools to do something big this season why the Mich. and Mich st. could really struggle. Then one would think that UNC and KU would be a little far from home.
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buckeydoptimist;645572; said:
I'm pretty sure Jawad went to St. Joe's. Clancy was the big time prospect that spurned us a while back.

St. Eds had All Americans Steve Logan (Cincy) and Sam Clancy (USC), in additon to two ACC players: Jawad Williams at UNC and Steve Lepore at Wake Forest. Steve Logan had the best collegiate career of that bunch, but all were pretty solid.
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Scout.com$ (Kyle Lamb)

Interview with Roe's father.......Roe is wide open at this point. Kansas, Michigan, Michigan State, North Carolina and Ohio State are his top five schools. According to his father, the visit went extremely well and he puts to rest some rumors that have been circulating out there and the impression is that their is a different leader depending on the day.
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