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'08 OH SF Delvon Roe (Michigan State Signee)

South to NC maybe. Seems very intrigued/excited by the N.C. mystic. If so better N.C. than UM or MSU

In football I would agree, but in BBall the Big Ten needs to take it to the ACC every chance they get. We can handle a Michigan or MSU with Roe if it comes to that.
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Oh8ch;695314; said:
In football I would agree, but in BBall the Big Ten needs to take it to the ACC every chance they get. We can handle a Michigan or MSU with Roe if it comes to that.
I just hate watching an Ohio kid play well and/or beat the buckeyes. The announcers love pointing that stuff out. Something to the effect of "how in the world did Thad Matta let Roe get out of Ohio, blah blah blah"
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The Man;695317; said:
I just hate watching an Ohio kid play well and/or beat the buckeyes. The announcers love pointing that stuff out. Something to the effect of "how in the world did Thad Matta let Roe get out of Ohio, blah blah blah"
I agree, especially ones who go to tsun
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Playing against Prepnation's #6 team in the East region (Baltimore Mt. St. Joseph), Delvon Roe and the Eagles won 53-33. The first half was sloppy, with Roe shooting 1-6 FTs. Second half was all Eagles, with contributions from all players on the court. Roe ended up with 13 points and 8 rebounds. Tomorrow they play Pennbury PA.
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Del Roe went 5-12 from the field, 6-8 from the line, had 5 boards, 3 blocks, 4 steals, and 4 turnovers as St. Ed's easily won over Pennbury 67-47. They will play Washington St. John's for the championship tomorrow. Roy Williams in the front row, again.
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