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'07 OH DE Ben Martin (Tennessee signee)

buck e;707383; said:
I certainly don't follow recruiting as much as most of the regulars on here, but my recruiting-related concern back in October was this staff would be so focused on THIS team winning the title THIS year that some of the recruits who perhaps need a little more attention would go elsewhere...and of course, that's where their focus should be.

I don't know if that's the case with Martin or not, but its obvious that OSU's staff is preparing for championship game, whereas UT's was preparing for an exhibition game this last month. Seems pretty obvious to me who can devote more time to persuade those undecided ones. Could that have had anything to do with this?

Also, can anyone explain what kind of contact is permitted right now? Is this a quiet or dead period? Seems like it would be a tad unfair if a school who finished its season five days ago could go ahead and make a big push towards a kid days before the Army All-Star game, while others are preparing like hell for a championship. I'm sure many of these kids playing in this game feel at least some pressure to make a decision for the cameras.

Anyways, thanks to all of you who provide good insight. IMO, this is THE site to read for anyone who wants to find out about future Buckeyes and what they're all about.

As you stated, winning is and should be the staff's focus... As has been stated many times, JT wants guys who want to be Buckeyes... It may sound like a cop-out, but it's true... He doesn't want to have to stroke a kid's ego or hold their hand through the process... If you aren't sold after spending time on campus and with the coaches and players, then tOSU might not be for you...

During the dead period a recruit can contact the coaches all they want, but no visits or calls are allowed from the coaches... Coaches can text a player to give them a call, but that is all that is allowed...
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Trust me I'm not trying to take a shot at anyone or tear apart the people who provide the information, i'm just disapointed as im sure the rest of you are. I don't have many other ways to keep up with recruiting besides BP, so I have no choice but to take the opinions here as my reliable source. A couple of people on here were implying very heavily that Martin was ours, so i bought into that.

Didn't mean to be a nuisance. Sorry.
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ScarletBlood31;707404; said:
Trust me I'm not trying to take a shot at anyone or tear apart the people who provide the information, i'm just disapointed as im sure the rest of you are. I don't have many other ways to keep up with recruiting besides BP, so I have no choice but to take the opinions here as my reliable source. A couple of people on here were implying very heavily that Martin was ours, so i bought into that.

Didn't mean to be a nuisance. Sorry.

Like I said, we did that because that is what the info HEAVILY pointed to... We're all just as shocked as you...
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CriticalSteve;707409; said:
I was wondering if he watched the bowl game against Penn State.
you never know... that could be one reason why he chose tenn: they need the help more than ohio state does. perhaps he feels that he can start right away with tenn. maybe that's what they told him, whereas we did not. who knows. again, nothing is yet official. we'll find out tomorrow and for sure when the papers are signed.
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CriticalSteve;707409; said:
I was wondering if he watched the bowl game against Penn State. :rofl:

I was told by several people along the way that early P.T. would be a big selling point for him... I know ND was playing that card heavily, as was Tennessee... I'd even been told about Ben watching games and talking about playing at both of those schools right away because of what he was told by those schools and because of the personnel that they had... So I'm guessing that this has lots to do with the final decision, and I'm guessing that it was a card that was played against us...
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I guess maybe I'm the only one not distressing over this turn of events. For those of you who are, ask yourself this, was was it about Martin that impressed you the most the last time you saw him play?

Following the recruiting process is the fun that it is because its the most inexact science in the world. We get all jacked up about "expert" analysis about these kids, and the bottom line is we wouldn't know them if they knocked on our front door. Lemming rates a Notre Dame verbal as a ***** and we say he's biased toward them, that he knows nothing, then bitch and complain when we land a #15 class based on his "expertise."

I've watched this for years, the first biggie that I remember was in 1979, when Schlichter's High School teammate Glen Cobb was the "must have" recruit in the class. Well, we got him, and he had a decent career here, but nothing like the career that the "other" LB had that we recruited that year who started at MLB his entire 4 seasons (Marcus Marek ring a bell?) Fast Forward to 2002, What if Smith and Hawk signed and Zwick and MD"A went
scUM/ Nebraska respectively? I know Duane Long raves about Martin, he also raved about Irizzary and "Superman" Hiley. James Lauranaitis was an intriguing recruit for us, mostly because his dad was "Animal" and not based anything about what we knew of him as a player. Too many things come into play here, injuries, grades, off the field troubles, and simply being overvalued by the "experts."

Putting a team full of *****'s on the field doesn't necessarily result in success. Unless you slept through the Cooper years, you know that already. So stop "popp'in Prozac" and get yourself jacked for the game on Monday. And keep an eye on the guy in the sweater-vest, and say to yourself that "I'd rather have a GOOD player on this team who's willing to buy into the TEAM concept and really wants to be here than a GREAT player who doesn't." Peace.
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A couple of thoughts on Ben Martin:

1). He did not choose Michigan or the rest of the Big 10.

2). We lost the #1 nominally rated player in Ohio, but it was at a position that we are absolutely loaded. This stings, especially if Ben Martin becomes a top 10 pick down the line, but it's not even as big of a blow as Prescott Burgess. Now, if we don't sign any DTs this year or OTs next year....
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Well, I'm stunned.
I reported Ben as an OSU lean...I was wrong.
I reported ND was totally out of the picture...I was right. crap happens. I don't get this at all...it makes no sense whatsoever.

Good luck, Ben...Outback Bowls versus National Championships...I hope its worth it.
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wadc45;707421; said:
I just logged on and my jaw is still on the floor...this goes against everything I have been told, publicly and otherwise, for the last week.
well, perhaps it is the case that tomorrow's decision will go against everything we're being told today (with davis, too, i hope). just a thought. as dubs said, at least it wouldn't be a loss at a position where we're not already loaded. and there may be a silver lining: possibly another schollie for next year's strong class. i'm trying. :biggrin:
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