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'07 OH DE Ben Martin (Tennessee signee)

We will see the results of our NC and BCS appearances a few years down the line. Kids make their views when they are growing up and it is hard to change those views unless you are a mature person. Most of us go with our gut with pressure decisions and if a kid has formed a certain view at an impressionable age, then it is virtually impossible to change that view.

Trust me, 5-6 years from now, we'll hear of QBs from Texas and California talk about Ohio State and Troy Smith as their childhood favorite and LBs from Georgia talking about A.J.Hawk.
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He was offered and recruited and if the reports are true he is a Vol. Good luck Ben! I'm not looking to jump off a bridge but if you told me TS wasn't playing Mon I might. Recruitng 18 yr. olds is an inexact science at best and a crapshoot at the worst. No one really knows his motivation unless he spells it out..but there will be less pressure and not as large of spotlight on him there as there would be at tOSU. I bet Robert Rose hears it from his friends all the time 'why aren't you starting you're the man' maybe Ben didn't want this happening to him.
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1. It's been said before, and it can be said again--if the guy didn't want to compete for a starting spot, but rather wanted one guaranteed to him, tOSU shouldn't lose any sleep over his going elsewhere. Not saying that definitely applies here, but if it does, that's my opinion.

2. You would think that with us playing in the NC, that would generate some interest. When was the last time Tennessee was relevant to the NC picture? It's been awhile.

3. I guess growing up in Cincinnati doesn't create Ohio ties with some kids like it does with kids growing up in other parts of Ohio.
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Colvinnl;707311; said:
Wow. Very disappointing. The surprising part is not that he didn't choose tOSU but that he chose UT. I hate Notre Dame but never in a million years would I choose UT over ND. Puzzling.
I agree that is on first glimpse a puzzling decision. For all the grief we give NDCHIEF and his heavyweight hero coach (j/k NDC) ND remains a heavy pull program. UT? With all that has happened in the program these last couple of years? Not so much.
Matzv O'Dely;707315; said:
Didn't something similar to this happen to the 2003 class right after we won the title. Eerie, or am I not remembering correctly?
That is correct, though in 2003 there was not the long nearly fourteen month momentum build that we have seen beginning after the Penn State game in 2005.
BuckIStallion;707321; said:
We will see the results of our NC and BCS appearances a few years down the line. Kids make their views when they are growing up and it is hard to change those views unless you are a mature person. Most of us go with our gut with pressure decisions and if a kid has formed a certain view at an impressionable age, then it is virtually impossible to change that view.

Trust me, 5-6 years from now, we'll hear of QBs from Texas and California talk about Ohio State and Troy Smith as their childhood favorite and LBs from Georgia talking about A.J.Hawk.
I agree and disagree. We will see the fruits of the labor several years down the line. Then again, couldn't that have lead to a thought that the 2002 NC - plus the continued good momentum thereafter - would lead to a very good finish in say the 2007 class?
This choice by Martin, if it is where he announces tomorrow, remains at best a head-scratcher, at worst a dissapointment. You say that most kids make their decisions, choices or favorites if you will quite early. I don't recall Martin stating early that UT was on his list of interests. As I recall the list was Ohio State, Notre Dame, Texas and Cincy, with the Buckeyes very much front and center.

Still, kids can and do change their minds. Though this is a loss, one a lot of folks pretty much had pencilled in, we all should simply wish him well.
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Everyone has made good points...

It's certainly disappointing Martin didn't come to OSU, but you have to respect his decision.

Tressel does things a certain way. It doesn't fit with everyone, no matter how talented.

Good points everyone.

Good luck Ben.
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Wow. Why did all of you sit here and tell us how sure you were of Ben coming to tOSU? That's just what gets me mad is everyone talking about how "they know" that he will be committing.

Don't get everyone's hopes up with something that isn't true.
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ScarletBlood31;707350; said:
Wow. Why did all of you sit here and tell us how sure you were of Ben coming to tOSU? That's just what gets me mad is everyone talking about how "they know" that he will be committing.

Don't get everyone's hopes up with something that isn't true.

Stop drop and roll.....

Duck and cover...

Me thinks I am gonna get out of the way now...
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ScarletBlood31;707350; said:
Wow. Why did all of you sit here and tell us how sure you were of Ben coming to tOSU? That's just what gets me mad is everyone talking about how "they know" that he will be committing.

Don't get everyone's hopes up with something that isn't true.

And just who said Martin was no-doubt definitely coming here?
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Wow. Why did all of you sit here and tell us how sure you were of Ben coming to tOSU? That's just what gets me mad is everyone talking about how "they know" that he will be committing.

Don't get everyone's hopes up with something that isn't true.
I haven't followed recruiting very long but you must be dense if you think any
of the insiders said anything more than they would be surprised if Martin ended up elsewhere. No one guaranteed anything. This is the nature of recruiting. Also remember this is free.

Anyway best wishes to Ben.
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JT is going to recruit on his own terms, and he's not going to negotiate with the prospects. If a kid is not 100% sold on the program, then JT is not sold on him. A kid who is not, for whatever reason, 100% sold on Ohio State should go elsewhere, even if he is not 100% sold on the other program that he ultimately selects. That is the irony - a kid who is torn will never make the right decision.
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ScarletBlood31;707350; said:
Wow. Why did all of you sit here and tell us how sure you were of Ben coming to tOSU? That's just what gets me mad is everyone talking about how "they know" that he will be committing.
I'm sorry, did they let you down by passing along information, FOR FREE, that you so greatly desire? If you didn't want hints and tidbits, then why did you read all of those posts?
Don't get everyone's hopes up with something that isn't true.
If you can't handle recruiting, then don't read the thread.
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