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Search results

  1. Penn State Cult (Joe Knew)

    Is "the rail" and the words that are on it (in part) a piece of Penn State propaganda? Sure. Ultimately, you as an Ohio State fan are NOT the intended audience though. "The rail" and other stuff like what years are listed along the ring of the stadium --- it is for Penn State folk to decide...
  2. Penn State Cult (Joe Knew)

    What is wrong with PSU "memorializing" the 2005 Ohio State game? It was a "relative turning point" in terms of PSU football history. Look at these adjacent 5-year eras: In the 2000-2004 era, PSU had 4 losing seasons out of 5. The one winning season, PSU still lost 4 times and finished ranked...
  3. Penn State Cult (Joe Knew)

    For the record, you are incorrect on this one --- Ohio State was a 4-point favorite. Confirmed via my own database and multiple sources on the web. Penn State was a favorite (2 points) in the 2008 game in Columbus --- I know there are some PSU folk who view that victory as an "upset" --- so...
  4. Penn State Cult (Joe Knew)

    Dr. Barron's alright, I actually knew him somewhat in my undergrad years because he was a professor (and eventual dean) of my particular college within Penn State --- I do think he's a decent guy who primarily wants to actually do his primary job: run a large-research University. Having to make...
  5. Penn State Cult (Joe Knew)

    I don't mean this literally, but one would think that within Old Main (PSU administrative building) there would be pictures of certain people on the wall, where it says underneath "These guys, given their relationship to the Sandusky affair, are of a poisonous nature to the University and our...
  6. Penn State Cult (Joe Knew)

    Jerry Dunn absolutely "was in the picture" --- he was PSU HC until Spring 2003.
  7. Penn State Cult (Joe Knew)

    For what should be a boring non-event (a football game against Army), this has not become a total and absolute shit-show, to say the least. Bruce Heim has definitely escaped scrutiny over the last 4 years --- it was NEVER a good idea to "honor" him. NEVER. Shame on the idiots in school...
  8. Penn State Cult (Joe Knew)

    Definition violation of Commandment Number 3. 1. Thou shall honor no Penn State head coach more than one honors JoePa. 2. Thou shall demand the imminent return and restoration of the bronze statue of JoePa. 3. Thou shall remember the number 409, to keep it holy. 4. Honor thy Penn State...
  9. Penn State Cult (Joe Knew)

    At least the PSU defense has met that goal. Actually, PSU defense is the only defense in FBS that hasn't allowed 409 yards (or even 387 yards) in any game in either 2014 or 2015. (PSU offense did hit that 4 times in 2014, FWIW)
  10. Penn State Cult (Joe Knew)

    "No" part is an exaggeration. Anyway, if you're the HC and your team scores more points than the other team, it's a win to put on our ledger.
  11. Penn State Cult (Joe Knew)

    Easy question. June 23rd. The day their attacker was convicted. They got a form of justice on that day.
  12. Penn State Cult (Joe Knew)

    Not the first nor the last figurehead coach. Still gets credit for the wins, as should happen. Tommy Tuberville down at UC is the latest to enter the "old guy, figurehead coach who mainl functions as the public symbol of the program" career path.
  13. Penn State Cult (Joe Knew)

    49 years ago today, Joe Paterno won his 1st collegiate game. 15-7 over Maryland at Beaver Stadium. The first of the 409 games Joe would eventually win, ending in the year '11. The attendance at that game 49 years ago? 40,911. (no joke) Some of the "Joesus" types will have a field day with...
  14. Penn State Cult (Joe Knew)

    I watched Ohio State last night --- Virginia Tech of course recorded zero sacks but there were several times where the QB was pressured. I was thinking to myself, "you know, if that was Hackenberg, VT has 4 or so sacks." Point being: the 10 sacks is really an aggregation of things. Yes, the...
  15. Penn State Cult (Joe Knew)

    One positive aspect of last Saturday's train wreck ---- people have (for the moment) generally stopped talking about the Sandusky thing. Besides, I do like to talk football, so even I was on BWI with my alterego the last few days. I think if I just talk 100% football and stay away from the...
  16. Penn State Cult (Joe Knew)

    That "didn't think he would get sacked again" was the most bizarre thing I've ever heard a coach say. Never mind the fact that those last 2 sacks occurred when (a) the score was 27-10 (3 score game), and (b) there were under 80 seconds left. That is not "sending a message that we never give...
  17. Penn State Cult (Joe Knew)

    But all the bribe money you (and U-M fans) would be paying me!! The good (my wealth) would outweigh the bad (being stalked). :-)
  18. Penn State Cult (Joe Knew)

    Yeah, that's fine --- Keith (crap, we have the same first name: amazingly I am in my mid-30s and I have literally NEVER met another Keith at any point in my life) did put his identity out there himself on that other board. He put it in the public domain himself. But that's admittedly why...
  19. Penn State Cult (Joe Knew)

    Yep ... that definitely has to be him. Does not fit what I thought he would look like --- I pictured a relatively in-shape, spastic, crazy 30-something type. I live in Northern Kentucky now but I am originally from Detroit and get up there for Holidays and such --- so I attend a PSU alumni...
  20. Penn State Cult (Joe Knew)

    PSU "stole" the white-out from the 1980s version of the Winnipeg Jets, who first did the white-out it in a 1987 playoff series against Calgary, and later trademarked the term. What most people don't know: Winnipeg initially did the white-out in response to the "C of Red" (everyone wearing red)...