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Penn State Cult (Joe Knew)


I think the stripe out is a PSU idea...
Was that Joe Pa at Thon? Hope his black khakis were near so he could photoshop them on to himself.
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It is a fine balance, that is for sure. I've been on BWI since 2003, and my opinions are truly NOT a troll act, they are my opinions. "Peetz Pool Boy" once dropped my real-life first name on the board --- that post got deleted within 10 minutes but stuff like that happening does make me nervous.

On a side note ----- I just noticed something. Did you notice who called me an idiot in that thread? "Idiot" was 9fold's favorite word. And 9fold's last post ever on BWI was 6-May-2015: the same day that guy created his account!

I have suspected for some time that I know 9fold's identity. A poster on another board (not sports related), who went to PSU undergrad (80s era) with a Ph.D from Illinois. Well...

On a professional level, I am a senior technology and marketing manager in the chemical industry. I obtained a bachelor’s degree in chemistry from Penn State University and a Ph.D. in organic chemistry from The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
This matches what 9fold has said about himself before.

In my days at Penn State, I was a trumpet player in The Penn State Blue Band.
9fold also stated that he had been a member and supporter of the Blue Band.

And finally, I have also deduced that this individual resides in Ann Arbor, MI - the same town in which 9fold lives.

I give you 9fold...

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I have suspected for some time that I know 9fold's identity. A poster on another board (not sports related), who went to PSU undergrad (80s era) with a Ph.D from Illinois. Well...

This matches what 9fold has said about himself before.

9fold also stated that he had been a member and supporter of the Blue Band.

And finally, I have also deduced that this individual resides in Ann Arbor, MI - the same town in which 9fold lives.

I give you 9fold...


Looks more normal than I was expecting.
And he looks batshit crazy off the deep end in this picture
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Watching BTN and caught a promo commercial where Franklin said something like "I guarantee you will become legends" to the team, which is funny because even without context, no one outside of the cult will ever give a shit about any of those players or their season, so Franklin was without a doubt full of shit when he made that statement.
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PSU "stole" the white-out from the 1980s version of the Winnipeg Jets, who first did the white-out it in a 1987 playoff series against Calgary, and later trademarked the term.

What most people don't know: Winnipeg initially did the white-out in response to the "C of Red" (everyone wearing red) that Calgary was doing in that same series.

And Calgary came up with the "C of Red" in 1986 in response to Edmonton selling tons of hats that said "Hat Trick Fever" in a series between THOSE two teams. (Edmonton was going for their 3rd consecutive Stanley Cup, e.g., "Hat Trick Fever")

And more complicated: the Winnipeg Jets that existed in 1987 are NOT the Winnipeg Jets that exist today. The "old" Winnipeg Jets are the current-day Phoenix Coyotes, and they do white-outs also (on the rare occasion they make the playoffs). Phoenix actually trade-marked the white-out term. But that didn't stop the CURRENT Winnipeg Jets from also doing white-outs during their playoff run this past spring.

So I guess it's one of two things:

(1) PSU stole the White-Out from Winnipeg --- but when we say Winnipeg, we need to note that we mean "the old version of Winnipeg", who trademarked the term "white-out" despite the white-out having most of its tradition in Manitoba as opposed to the Desert Southwest --- and the "old version of Winnipeg" stole the idea themselves from Calgary, who came up with the idea because of some promotion Edmonton was doing on headgear


(2) Nobody stole anything from anybody. How can you "steal" fans all wearing the same color to a sporting event?!?!?!?

Wait it isn't an insider pedophile code referencing altered internal PSU documents regarding Jerry Sandusky while using a well known product?

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I have suspected for some time that I know 9fold's identity. A poster on another board (not sports related), who went to PSU undergrad (80s era) with a Ph.D from Illinois. Well...

This matches what 9fold has said about himself before.

9fold also stated that he had been a member and supporter of the Blue Band.

And finally, I have also deduced that this individual resides in Ann Arbor, MI - the same town in which 9fold lives.

I give you 9fold...


Yep ... that definitely has to be him. Does not fit what I thought he would look like --- I pictured a relatively in-shape, spastic, crazy 30-something type.

I live in Northern Kentucky now but I am originally from Detroit and get up there for Holidays and such --- so I attend a PSU alumni chapter watch-party up there once every couple years or so. I'll keep my eyes open: I won't "out him or myself" but I may try to engage in conversation. "Outing" people isn't something I'm a fan of --- some d-bag linked to my linkedin profile (he put 2 and 2 together) once on BWI. It got taken down within 2 minutes but I definitely got uncomfortable.
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