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Penn State Cult (Joe Knew)

Says here he spent 1998 - 99 in Bloomington weighing in at 425, so fat he couldn't get to his classes. That's when he began his diet of two subway sandwiches a day and walking and managed to lose 225 pounds in a year.

I'm calling bull[Mark May].

If they can get Hoke on team planes and buses they can get 425 through a standard sized door.

I'm calling bullshit for a different reason. Have you ever been to Bloomington? I was there in the late 2000s... no fucking way they had a Subway in the 90s. It's a fucking ghost town. Literally.

Regarding 425 ... man, ever had to fight the hundreds of people literally trying to use 1 or 2 doors at the same time?
My college experience made it abundantly apparent that whatever undergrad interns they had design the buildings weren't taught how to manage large volumes of human traffic all starting and ending simultaneously.
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BTN has a list of the best Big Ten players born in each state. Let's see if they have the testicular fortitude to post my comment.

Doesn't look like it.
In other news, CultState couldn't even get the best player in PA. They chose Red Grange.
Is Braylon Edwards really the best they could find from Michigan? I mean, I know all their good players are actually from Ohio... but... nobody else?

More broadly, it makes you wonder if the Second Mile foundation was a well known resource amongst the pedophile community (and an inspiration to start other foundations focused on children like Fogle himself did)... which would explain why someone like Fogle is inexplicably a Penn State fan despite having seemingly no connection to the school or Pennsylvania.

Tin foil hat territory I know, but it is extremely coincidental.

Wasn't there always an underlying implication (tin foil hat territory) that there was more to it than just Sandusky and Second Mile?
BTW, PSU has had more than its fair share of pedos -- several that we only know about b/c they were arrested after leaving Happy Valley.
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Todd Brewster bringing the awesomeness in a thread about Adam Taliaferro. The thread also features fellow Sandusky is innocent poster Nittany America wishing Taliaferro was still unable to walk because he did not defend Joesus more while on the BoT. The Cult sure does hate them some Taliaferro, but Taliaferro seems like he used the Cult's stupidity for his own, personal gain just Ray Blehar and John Ziegler.


Todd Brewster: "IMO, Jerry overstepped boundaries, but he did not have sex with anyone. He should not have to rot in jail. If your mind is already made up and you refuse to budge, at the least the trial will demonstrate that there was doubt that Jerry was raping kids. At the time, Joe knew Jerry was horse playing in the shower. He reported it and IMO made sure C&S investigated it, got written testimony from Mike and suggested they confront Jerry with it. C&S concluded it was horse play. Mike was fine with it. Mike continued to support Jerry and played golf with him. Joe continued to allow his grandchildren to play unsupervised at Jerry's house. Matt after Jerry was indicted went to court so Jerry could play with HIS children. And oh yes, the victim in the shower had testified that there was nothing sexual that happened in the shower.

If you enjoy being known as a pedophile enabler, you can either mock me or spend 1% more money to prove there was reasonable doubt."

Todd Brewster: "Anthony Lubrano why aren't you speaking out more for getting a new trial for Jerry? A new trial would at least alleviate the perception that evetyone at PSU was familiar with Jerry's tendencies."

Nittany America: "The saddest day of my life was seeing him being helped off the field at Ohio State. I say this now knowing what I know now, not then, NOW; therefore, if I never saw this creep walk again, all the better.

This BoT at Penn State has taught me the capacity to hate. I do it with impunity."

marshall23: "Yes, I actually wrote him a letter since there was another individual at PSU who was a key person in his recovery, that had been a huge influence in my life as well. I questioned how he could stand on the sidelines after these people had given so much to him. It's not like I expected a response."

lionlurker: "Everybody assumed that because JVP was an unabashed supporter of him, in his darkest hour, that the reason he ran was to return the favor.

We were wrong.

NapaNit: "I do occasionally wonder how Adam reconciles his efforts on the BoT to his efforts to recover from the injury. Seems he would have had some time to refine his integrity and goals if, given the chance, he would walk again.

PennStateNate: "You would think he would have gave it all for Joe after the way Joe stood by him during his injury."

bjf1984: "Ideally, no one should have voted for him. They were sympathy/celebrity votes when we needed people of substance and character

That said, once there, he was an utter failure - no doubt"
The best move he made in his entire tenure was stepping aside and not running for a second term

psu00: "Unfortunately, I don't think it matters much who the alumni elect anymore. There can be 9 Lubranos put on the BoT and the old guard will still rig the system so that alumni trustees have no power and are completely marginalized and outvoted. As we've seen- they will rig the make up of the BoT if that's what they need to do."
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Christ, it's as if Joesus personally laid hands on him so that he might walk again. If the guy owes anything to anyone, it's to the doctors at the Ohio State Medical Center who saved him.

I thought I read somewhere that BWI credits his recovery and ability to walk again to Penn State. But I can't find it now. But here's his Wikipedia entry:


Taliaferro had surgery at the Ohio State Medical Center to fuse his C-5 vertebrate. After successful surgery, Taliaferro was airlifted back to Thomas Jefferson University Hospital in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania to begin his recovery. Although surgery was successful, Taliaferro was only given a 3% chance of ever walking again.[2]

He began his well-publicized rehab at Magee Rehabilitation Hospital in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. After eight months of rehab, Taliaferro had learned to walk again.

So he had surgery at Ohio State, then taken to Philadelphia. I guess that's practically Penn State, right? 4 hours away? Sorry - not familiar with that half of the state. OK - Google maps says about 3-1/2 hours. But he recovers and rehabs in Philadelphia. Where's the Penn State part come in?
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So he had surgery at Ohio State, then taken to Philadelphia. I guess that's practically Penn State, right? 4 hours away? Sorry - not familiar with that half of the state. OK - Google maps says about 3-1/2 hours. But he recovers and rehabs in Philadelphia. Where's the Penn State part come in?

You forgot the part where Joe Pa visited Adam during rehab and did that Mr. Miyagi voodoo thing where he healed Daniel-sans pain. Pretty sure Paterno performed the same thing on Taliafaro and boom, he was walking and doing crane kicks the next morning.
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