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Penn State Cult (Joe Knew)

Could have been some promotional subway thing where they threw him in the shirt for the day.
That seems at least as unlikely as my theory (funny side note, the first result of a "subway college sports promotions" Google search is Penn State's official athletic site).

Either way, regardless of whether or not he was a fan or just blending in, photo evidence exists that he hung around Happy Valley.

Even if it was work related, who's to say he wasn't the one pushing for the connection to Happy Valley?
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That's kind of what I assumed. It's the only pic of him in Ped State stuff that's shown up on the interwebs. Still think BWI has become a meetup for them though.

Pic 2 :tinfoil:
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FWIW the pic I linked was from this guy's blog. I was actually looking for the pic that exhawg linked above.

Under “most random things to ever happen,” Jared Fogle visited Penn State during my freshmen year. I’m still not sure why he was there, but I’m sharing this photo because social currency is motivating me to do so.

He graduated from PSU in 2013 so no idea if he was a Frosh in 2007 when the Daily College wrote an article about Jared:

Talkin' Fresh with Jared
Amidst the sea of white strewn throughout Beaver Stadium Saturday, one familiar fan was present to remind fans to "eat fresh" at their tailgates.

Jared Fogle, famous for his commercials touting how he lost almost 300 pounds on a Subway diet, was in town on a promotion with Subway and the Big Ten Network, "talking healthy eating" with local school kids, he said in an exclusive interview with the Footblog.

Fogle was momentarily shown on the Beaver Stadium big screen, drawing yells of, "Hey, that's Jared!" or, "The Subway dude!" from the Nittany Lion faithful. Fogle's presence on the sideline certainly outshone that of former Penn State linebacker LaVar Arrington or Penn State President Graham Spanier, who was asked to take the picture of two girls who had no idea who he was.

Fogle, however, was the center of attention. He took photos with adoring fans after the game, who bypassed greeting the Penn State football players who had exacted their revenge upon Notre Dame.

Fogle -- clad in a white Dan Connor jersey -- was one of the game's honorary co-captains and was making his first trip to Happy Valley.

Fogle, a graduate of Indiana University, said that Penn State takes the pigskin quite a bit more seriously than his alma mater, traditionally a basketball school.

"We don't have a football experience like this, that's for sure," Fogle said. "I'm amazed. It's awesome. And the students here just rock."

While Fogle doesn't have a completely bright outlook for his Hoosiers, he shares a different perspective for the Nittany Lions.

"Penn State's a great team," Fogle said. "You guys are gonna go pretty far this year."

From the quote above it appears it was a different game (white jersey vs the blue one in pic). So far it appears that Jared was there on at least three separate occasions.
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FWIW the pic I linked was from this guy's blog. I was actually looking for the pic that exhawg linked above.

He graduated from PSU in 2013 so no idea if he was a Frosh in 2007 when the Daily College wrote an article about Jared:

Talkin' Fresh with Jared

From the quote above it appears it was a different game (white jersey vs the blue one in pic). So far it appears that Jared was there on at least three separate occasions.

The plot sickens.
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Says here he spent 1998 - 99 in Bloomington weighing in at 425, so fat he couldn't get to his classes. That's when he began his diet of two subway sandwiches a day and walking and managed to lose 225 pounds in a year.
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Says here he spent 1998 - 99 in Bloomington weighing in at 425, so fat he couldn't get to his classes. That's when he began his diet of two subway sandwiches a day and walking and managed to lose 225 pounds in a year.

I'm calling bullshit.

If they can get Hoke on team planes and buses they can get 425 through a standard sized door.
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I'm calling bull[Mark May].

If they can get Hoke on team planes and buses they can get 425 through a standard sized door.

Perhaps the problem wasn't that Fogle was too fat to fit through the door; maybe he was just too gigantic to physically move himself to and from class. At my fattest, I was about 280 pounds and I physically felt like I couldn't deal with normal, everyday life without my ankles and knees killing me. I can't imagine what it would have been like with another 145 pounds added on. I have been between 210-220 pounds for about 10 years now, and I will never let myself get that huge again because of how bad it feels physically.
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Now that I think about it, how hard would it be to photoshop Jared into there? I mean, some Ohio State fan photoshopped Joe Paterno running off the field before halftime, returning for the second half in different pants. And I'm pretty sure that the photoshop included the sideline reporter talking about Paterno and his stomach issues that day. But all that is a documented lie. Afterall, some Ohio State fan admitted to inventing that lie on some message board. All that - how hard is it to photoshop Jared in Beaver Stadium?

Ok, so I was joking when I made that post, but check this out:


His head isn't proportional to his body in the photo .... easy to spot the fake.


I'm not sure it's him. Looks like a chunky Rachel Maddow IYAM

They're talking about the other photo - the one where he's posing with 3-4 other people. I was talking about the one where he's at the stadium during the game. Also, need to be fair and say it's just a couple of dummies, compared to maybe 10 or so who aren't denying that it's Jared.
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BTN has a list of the best Big Ten players born in each state. Let's see if they have the testicular fortitude to post my comment.

Lenny Pepperidge on 8/22/2015 @ 3:07pm EDT Said:

The Nebraska and PSU players who NEVER played in the Big Ten is comical! Can we stop bending over backwards to play nice with the newbies; especially the Paterno cult that has a foaming at the mouth hatred for the Big Ten and cooks up endless conspiracy theories as to how we use crooked refs to keep them from dominating the conference.

- See more at: http://btn.com/2015/08/21/picking-the-best-big-ten-football-player-from-every-state/#comment-868112
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