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Penn State Cult (Joe Knew)

Hey, does anyone remember back in '94 when the Pedsters rode into the Big 10 with the greatest collection of sporting giants civilization has ever seen, only to get hosed by jealous Big 10 voters? This volleyball vote is the same thing -- except that the voter has already been "outed" as the Bucknell coach.

Carl Spackler: "Way back in 1994 the Big ten football programs got broomed by PSU yet some voters voted PSU lower then #1, remember that conference loyalty we are supposed to love so.....we whipped an OSU squad ranked #14 and their voter put us at what, somewhere around #5 as I remember. This volleyball issue could easily be a big ten voter, we have quite a history of it. So remain loyal to the conference that say.......what goes around comes around. The day I see a modicum of loyalty to PSU from the big 10 I'll say, after being revived, wow."
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Longhorn buddy and I that I watched the UT-ND game have an over/under bet on how many times Ohio State sacks the PSU QB. The O/U is 12. I took the over.

Just for clarification - Is that the number of sacks in which their RB is used to sack Hackenburg? Or the number of sacks in which their RB is not used to sack Hackenburg? Or a combination of the two?
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Just for clarification - Is that the number of sacks in which their RB is used to sack Hackenburg? Or the number of sacks in which their RB is not used to sack Hackenburg? Or a combination of the two?
We're Ohio State. We should challenge ourselves. Let's get a sack by pushing a WR into Hack.
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You know, since the sanctions were handed down 4 years ago, I was in agreement with a lot of you here that if anyone had ever deserved to lose their football program, it was the Pedsters. We all thought the NCAA was wrong to allow them to continue to have a football program. Now, looking back, I'm not so sure I agree with that.

Taking their program away from them would have martyred their whole pedster fan base. That would have given them the role of a lifetime - the ultimate victims (or whatever you want to call them); a role they readily embrace no matter how trivial the topic......

The NCAA didn't ALLOW them to continue - they FORCED them to. "Ok fuckers, you want to embrace almighty Joesus and everything he pretended to stand for? Go ahead...we'll just hamstring you to the point where you cannot or will not be competitive....."

Who am I to question the genius that is the NCAA?
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You guys are silly. Sackenburg will be dead or have brain damage by the time we play them.
Honestly, that is probably the best thing for them. He's a drop back passer playing with a joke of an offensive line and an offensive gameplan that doesn't really fit him.....but they can't bench him because he's the great Hackenburg. If he gets hurt and they find some jitterbug ATH for a QB, they might actually gain some yards on offense.
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So, James Franklin. Your prize QB is sacked 8 times and you left him in because you "didn't think he would get sacked again"?

That "didn't think he would get sacked again" was the most bizarre thing I've ever heard a coach say.

Never mind the fact that those last 2 sacks occurred when (a) the score was 27-10 (3 score game), and (b) there were under 80 seconds left. That is not "sending a message that we never give up." That is absolute recklessness.

The game was over. Disappointing, but it is what it is. Be prudent and live to fight again in the next game. A starting QB should be nowhere near the field given that time and score.
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That "didn't think he would get sacked again" was the most bizarre thing I've ever heard a coach say.

Never mind the fact that those last 2 sacks occurred when (a) the score was 27-10 (3 score game), and (b) there were under 80 seconds left. That is not "sending a message that we never give up." That is absolute recklessness.

The game was over. Disappointing, but it is what it is. Be prudent and live to fight again in the next game. A starting QB should be nowhere near the field given that time and score.

Good to see you still around, 409Fold. I thought perhaps the Cult tracked you down and you had to go into hiding after your dual identity was discovered and posted on Twitter.
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That "didn't think he would get sacked again" was the most bizarre thing I've ever heard a coach say.

Never mind the fact that those last 2 sacks occurred when (a) the score was 27-10 (3 score game), and (b) there were under 80 seconds left. That is not "sending a message that we never give up." That is absolute recklessness.

The game was over. Disappointing, but it is what it is. Be prudent and live to fight again in the next game. A starting QB should be nowhere near the field given that time and score.

Yup. A Brady-Hoke-Worthy move by the cult's favorite toady.

And, btw, is their o-line really that bad, or do they secretly have something against poor Sackenberg? I actually experienced a millisecond long moment of pity for him around the 8th or 9th sack (lost track, actually) and then instantly remembered that nobody made him play for PedState. He had a choice. He chose to stay. Live and learn. Sometimes the lesson is harsh.
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