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Penn State Cult (Joe Knew)


They're whining about officials in an Ohio State game that doesn't include Penn State.

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49 years ago today, Joe Paterno won his 1st collegiate game. 15-7 over Maryland at Beaver Stadium.

The first of the 409 games Joe would eventually win, ending in the year '11.

The attendance at that game 49 years ago? 40,911. (no joke)

Some of the "Joesus" types will have a field day with THAT one.
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49 years ago today, Joe Paterno won his 1st collegiate game. 15-7 over Maryland at Beaver Stadium.

The first of the 409 games Joe would eventually win, ending in the year '11.

The attendance at that game 49 years ago? 40,911. (no joke)

Some of the "Joesus" types will have a field day with THAT one.

When is a cool anniversary of the first Sandusky victim?
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How should somebody get credit for wins he has no part in?

Reminds me of the time my first niece was born. People were congratulating me. I was like, "WTF?!? I didn't do anything!" Some people even got mad when I pointed that out.

I'm certainly not close enough to the program to acknowledge whether he had any impact on the team or not. The accusations against Joe Paterno always remind me of that story.
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