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Penn State Cult (Joe Knew)


They're grumpy because fans of other teams (Rutgers, in this case) chant "Fuck Penn State" at ALL games - not just against Penn State.

Drunk Mack Daddy points out:

I recall "sh!t on Pitt" chants at Penn State in the 80's when we played them.

The response:

Michael, you know there is a BIG difference between saying Shitt on Pitt and F*ck Penn State. That word is truly abhorrent and never used in polite society.

While I agree that "Fuck" is worse than "Shit" is, I think that once you're using "Shit", you've gone well past "polite society". What does he think this is, tea time with the fucking queen of England?
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Wow. That thread contained nothing but personal attacks that would make their mothers ashamed combined with allegations against tOSU that are untrue. You would think a school so upset about FACTS and EVIDENTS would apply a similar standard to their own comments.

I am amazed. There is no cult like them in the country.

I like the part when they post the link to the complaint area for ESPN but there is no ESPNU option. Also, someone inquires if they can sue her.

PSU fans are crazy apparently.
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They're grumpy because fans of other teams (Rutgers, in this case) chant "Fuck Penn State" at ALL games - not just against Penn State.

Drunk Mack Daddy points out:

The response:

While I agree that "Fuck" is worse than "[Mark May]" is, I think that once you're using "[Mark May]", you've gone well past "polite society". What does he think this is, tea time with the fucking queen of England?

Shitting on someone is less polite than saying fuck.

At least where I come from.
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Another thread whining about the fact that BTN recognizes Nebraska's 1994 team as national champions, instead of Penn State's 1994 team.


Does anyone have a link that proves that they could have had ALL of the first-place votes in "Big Ten States", and they STILL wouldn't have been #1? I seem to remember that Penn State didn't even get #1 out of the voters in Pennsylvania!
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Think of it like a pyramid. The guy on top is Joesus. The next level down is his immediate family members, followed by close friends. A little ways down (but still REALLY high up) are the fans and students and alumni. This "level" is actually several levels thick - they kinda jockey for position within these levels. The better your story of having seen Joe walking out of whatever that ice cream shop is called is, the higher up you are within this level. Anyway, way down at the bottom is everyone else. And you better not try to criticize anyone any levels above you. Remember your station.

Beneath the family are the Holy Lettermen led by the high priest Franco The Diver, who has come very close to elevating himself to family status. The lettermen (and that's always how you refer to them) studied directly at the knee of Joesus and were tutored for their classes by Saint Sue. Beneath them are the alumni and fans. The faculty are actually quite irrelevant at Penn State unless that faculty member came out in public support of Joesus.
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Another thread whining about the fact that BTN recognizes Nebraska's 1994 team as national champions, instead of Penn State's 1994 team.


Does anyone have a link that proves that they could have had ALL of the first-place votes in "Big Ten States", and they STILL wouldn't have been #1? I seem to remember that Penn State didn't even get #1 out of the voters in Pennsylvania!

If Ped State is as miserable this year as I think they are - this could be a banner year for this thread :slappy:
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So they received 4 out of 13 votes in Big Ten country (PA excluded) or 31% of the first place votes. In their beloved NE/Mid-Atlantic (PA included), they recieved 1 1/2 votes out of 10 or 15%. Seems like there was no love lost for Joesus among all those Eastern media voters who had been dealing with his shit for twenty years and knew all (or at least most) of his secrets. They got 4/15 in SEC country or 27%. In Big 8/SWC/PAC country combined they received a single vote out of 22 cast for 4.5%.

Even if they had received all the other 9 Big Ten votes, it would have barely made up for the deficit in their own region much less have done anything to the huge drubbing in the rest of the country. Yet the Big Ten somehow stole their national championship.

As for 1997, the cultist doesn't realize that Michigan won every region in the country. It wasn't as if Big Ten voters somehow put them over the top.
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Holy Fucking [Mark May].................

Never even mind the fact that an open, echoing shower room is nothing like a small, bathroom-enclosed home shower. Acoustics would not be the same.

Not that it matters. Yet another Ped moron. Who the hell actually conducts this "experiment"? Lunatics.

Edit: Well, nevermind. I looked at it again and realized it's Felli. Lunatic par excellence.
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Never even mind the fact that an open, echoing shower room is nothing like a small, bathroom-enclosed home shower. Acoustics would not be the same.

Not that it matters. Yet another Ped moron. Who the hell actually conducts this "experiment"? Lunatics.

Well, if Felli and his "friend" were planning on showering together anyways, a lot of extra effort was probably unnecessary.
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