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Penn State Cult (Joe Knew)

Sure you wouldn't prefer to try The Bible and War & Peace back-to-back? Might be faster.

I may be going to hell for writing this, but I always have trouble remembering which is which when it comes to The Bible and Penn St. Which is the one in which the man without sin is betrayed by Judas and fired despite 409 wins and which is the one where the man without sin is betrayed by his own Board of Trustees and nailed to a cross? :confused:
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I may be going to hell for writing this, but I always have trouble remembering which is which when it comes to The Bible and Penn St. Which is the one in which the man without sin is betrayed by Judas and fired despite 409 wins and which is the one where the man without sin is betrayed by his own Board of Trustees and nailed to a cross? :confused:

One is about the holiest man to ever walk the earth. He was sent from the heavens to teach us morality. He committed numerous miracles during his time on earth. Unfortunately, and because of his morality, he engendered a huge degree of jealousy from the community. Eventually, they persecuted him under false and trumped up charges and drove him to his death. The other is about a Jewish carpenter.
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One is about the holiest man to ever walk the earth. He was sent from the heavens to teach us morality. He committed numerous miracles during his time on earth. Unfortunately, and because of his morality, he engendered a huge degree of jealousy from the community. Eventually, they persecuted him under false and trumped up charges and drove him to his death. The other is about a Jewish carpenter.

And in the year one thousand nine hundred eighty seven, Joseph of State College turned back a Hurricane whose arrogance had threatened to overtake the sporting world.
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I may be going to hell for writing this, but I always have trouble remembering which is which when it comes to The Bible and Penn St. Which is the one in which the man without sin is betrayed by Judas and fired despite 409 wins and which is the one where the man without sin is betrayed by his own Board of Trustees and nailed to a cross? :confused:

It's the one where evil is reported to the man without sin on a Friday, he goes into a cave and emerges a couple days later.
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Has Joesus' rotting corpse rose from the grave yet? No?

Fucking exactly the fraud we knew him as in life.

Sorry, I'm not real bibled. I was a Sunday school dropout and didn't learn the miracles of Joesus of Happy Valley...
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They're whining about officials in an Ohio State game that doesn't include Penn State.

I do love their logic that if you're a fan of anybody but Penn State, you do not belong on that website. Sorry folks. If you root for a different team, the free internet doesn't apply to Penn State's website.
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I do love their logic that if you're a fan of anybody but Penn State, you do not belong on that website. Sorry folks. If you root for a different team, the free internet doesn't apply to Penn State's website.

Isolationism and opposition to independent thinking are two characteristics of cults. A deified leader (dead or alive) and a sense of persecution are others. These guys really are a cult.
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