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Penn State Cult (Joe Knew)

"No" part is an exaggeration.

Anyway, if you're the HC and your team scores more points than the other team, it's a win to put on our ledger.
Our as the team and the program, sure. The guy didn't coach PSU to a win, though. Hilarious how the fans hold on to that number as if he actually made the coaching moves over the last few years when they all know he was lucky if he knew what year it was half the time.
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Reminds me of the time my first niece was born. People were congratulating me. I was like, "WTF?!? I didn't do anything!" Some people even got mad when I pointed that out.

I'm certainly not close enough to the program to acknowledge whether he had any impact on the team or not. The accusations against Joe Paterno always remind me of that story.
Same here, but I took credit because they owed it all to me. I got my brother and sister-in-law together for a pep talk and coached them:

"Ok, now let's get in there and give it our all!! GO!!!"


"YOU'RE NOT GETTING ANY PENETRATION. You've got to work it. "

"How many times have I had to tell you? YOU MUST FINISH, don't give up on the play. You're cleaning the stadium tomorrow at 6:00 am"
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We are talking about Volleyball aren't we?

Yes. Yes we are

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So the thread title is this:

Rutgers AD called SC Chief of police and says have everyone ready

The post gives NO information or link. Typical of BWI. Make a statement and don't give anything to support it.
Anyway, a couple of posters ask what that's about, and PennStateNate comes in with 2 posts (not consecutive):

Their fan base would have alot of you know what to go in State College and act like thugs. I don't imagine that ending well for them. Even with the cops.
I think she is trying to say she expects her fans to be destroyed by ours.
The second was in response to someone asking if they (Penn State fans) should really be afraid of however many Rutgers fans are in attendance. He's basically giving Rutgers fans a conditional threat. If you cross a line, we're going to kick you in the nuts. And the police won't be able to save you.
Then a third post:
I would be very disappointed if any of our fans act like their fans.

I didn't follow the saga of Penn State fans at Rutgers. Did any of them get beat up? I know they said they were treated badly - something about being called Pedophile Enablers and crap like that. You know - the stuff we type on message boards every day. But I didn't hear about any physical issues. So, it's OK to beat up Rutgers fans if they're jerks, but it's not OK to act like people do on message boards?
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So the thread title is this:

The post gives NO information or link. Typical of BWI. Make a statement and don't give anything to support it.
Anyway, a couple of posters ask what that's about, and PennStateNate comes in with 2 posts (not consecutive):

The second was in response to someone asking if they (Penn State fans) should really be afraid of however many Rutgers fans are in attendance. He's basically giving Rutgers fans a conditional threat. If you cross a line, we're going to kick you in the nuts. And the police won't be able to save you.
Then a third post:

I didn't follow the saga of Penn State fans at Rutgers. Did any of them get beat up? I know they said they were treated badly - something about being called Pedophile Enablers and crap like that. You know - the stuff we type on message boards every day. But I didn't hear about any physical issues. So, it's OK to beat up Rutgers fans if they're jerks, but it's not OK to act like people do on message boards?

Disrespecting Joesus is far worse than mere assault and battery.
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