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Penn State Cult (Joe Knew)

I don't think there is any question that the school relied on Joesus for much of their fundraising. Even before the scandal, the Cult would frequently throw out the bullshit that Joesus raised a billion dollars for the school while sitting at his kitchen table and schmoozing donors. That is the reason Joesus was still the coach in 2011, even after it was evident he had suffered some type of cognitive issue a year or two before that.

That Nittpicker post seems emblematic of so much of the Cult. He freely admits he never even met Joesus, but "...there are many stories" about Joesus.
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there is some gold in that thread


That thread on BWI is just awesome. MichNittLion just killing it as usual over there. I think my favorite post in that thread is the Joebot in South Carolina claiming that people in South Carolina who are not even PSU fans are wondering why the statue isn't back up and the university has not honored Joesus. I call bullshit on the claim that non PSU fans in other parts of the country are wondering why the statue is not back up.
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That thread on BWI is just awesome. MichNittLion just killing it as usual over there. I think my favorite post in that thread is the Joebot in South Carolina claiming that people in South Carolina who are not even PSU fans are wondering why the statue isn't back up and the university has not honored Joesus. I call bull[Mark May] on the claim that non PSU fans in other parts of the country are wondering why the statue is not back up.

probably the safest bullshit call in history
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That thread on BWI is just awesome. MichNittLion just killing it as usual over there. I think my favorite post in that thread is the Joebot in South Carolina claiming that people in South Carolina who are not even PSU fans are wondering why the statue isn't back up and the university has not honored Joesus. I call bull[Mark May] on the claim that non PSU fans in other parts of the country are wondering why the statue is not back up.

I live an hour from Beaver stadium. I call bullshit on anyone around here wondering that. Outside of the echo chamber that is college park even people in western PA seem to get it.
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That thread on BWI is just awesome. MichNittLion just killing it as usual over there. I think my favorite post in that thread is the Joebot in South Carolina claiming that people in South Carolina who are not even PSU fans are wondering why the statue isn't back up and the university has not honored Joesus. I call bull[Mark May] on the claim that non PSU fans in other parts of the country are wondering why the statue is not back up.
9fold really loves to post pictures of JoePed. He's like the BWI Propaganda Minister.
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That thread on BWI is just awesome. MichNittLion just killing it as usual over there. I think my favorite post in that thread is the Joebot in South Carolina claiming that people in South Carolina who are not even PSU fans are wondering why the statue isn't back up and the university has not honored Joesus. I call bull[Mark May] on the claim that non PSU fans in other parts of the country are wondering why the statue is not back up.
Their constant assertions that all they have to do is explain the trie FAX and EVIDENTS to random strangers and those strangers agree that joesus was framed and psu totally innocent is hilarious. When the truth is probably those ppl were afraid of the crazy cultist and just wanted the conversation to end.
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Their constant assertions that all they have to do is explain the trie FAX and EVIDENTS to random strangers and those strangers agree that joesus was framed and psu totally innocent is hilarious. When the truth is probably those ppl were afraid of the crazy cultist and just wanted the conversation to end.

I lived in the south for nearly 16 years.

The only people down there who care about northern football are transplanted northerners.
You ever meet an obvious crazy person, who you feel could go postal at any time, so you just agree with everything they say, so you can get the fuck away from them ASAP?
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That thread on BWI is just awesome. MichNittLion just killing it as usual over there. I think my favorite post in that thread is the Joebot in South Carolina claiming that people in South Carolina who are not even PSU fans are wondering why the statue isn't back up and the university has not honored Joesus. I call bull[Mark May] on the claim that non PSU fans in other parts of the country are wondering why the statue is not back up.
After all "The Flag" may no longer be flying over the Statehouse, but its flying in front of homes and the back of pick up trucks. South Carolinians know how to settle matters.
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Ha. Awesome. I love how the cult is fighting so much for a statue that Joesus, himself, was too humble to appreciate.
I think someone here mentioned that Stalin was "too humble" to allow his people to name a city and countless factories after him, but he was the nice guy and let them name them after him, anyway.
So one of two things is true:
1. He HATED that statue, and the people went against His Holy Word and insisted that it be built, and continue to want it put back, or another, bigger statue put up.
2. He wanted people to worship at the feet of his statue, and the people are all too willing to comply.
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Ha. Awesome. I love how the cult is fighting so much for a statue that Joesus, himself, was too humble to appreciate.
I think someone here mentioned that Stalin was "too humble" to allow his people to name a city and countless factories after him, but he was the nice guy and let them name them after him, anyway.
So one of two things is true:
1. He HATED that statue, and the people went against His Holy Word and insisted that it be built, and continue to want it put back, or another, bigger statue put up.
2. He wanted people to worship at the feet of his statue, and the people are all too willing to comply.

A "Little Joe" and "Joe who didn't know" comparison

solid work
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