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Penn State Cult (Joe Knew)

I don't mean this literally, but one would think that within Old Main (PSU administrative building) there would be pictures of certain people on the wall, where it says underneath "These guys, given their relationship to the Sandusky affair, are of a poisonous nature to the University and our attempts to craft a strong future for our University. In no way can we visibly associate ourselves with these individuals in any way. Nothing good can come of it."

Jack Raykovitz and Bruce Heim are two OBVIOUS people that fall in that category. As Cris Carter says, "come on, man."

As for McCombie, PS4RS (an organization I do not think works in the best interests of Penn State's future) has some answering to do. Maybe we'll get some light into what I strongly suspect --- the Paterno family are the chief financial backers of that organization, in the attempt to use PS4RS as a back-door way to push their agenda within PSU leadership.

You may be right about the Paterno family controlling PS4RS. I never really gave that a thought beyond the fact that all the PS4RS endorsed candidates each election year run on a one-issue platform of allegiance to Paterno.

I wonder if school President Barron really understood what he was stepping into when he took the job at PSU. Barron previously had the comment about a faction of the alumni are destroying their school. The statement he put out today seemed like he viewed this as the alumni causing a shitstorm over nothing.
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You may be right about the Paterno family controlling PS4RS. I never really gave that a thought beyond the fact that all the PS4RS endorsed candidates each election year run on a one-issue platform of allegiance to Paterno.

I wonder if school President Barron really understood what he was stepping into when he took the job at PSU. Barron previously had the comment about a faction of the alumni are destroying their school. The statement he put out today seemed like he viewed this as the alumni causing a [Mark May]storm over nothing.

Dr. Barron's alright, I actually knew him somewhat in my undergrad years because he was a professor (and eventual dean) of my particular college within Penn State --- I do think he's a decent guy who primarily wants to actually do his primary job: run a large-research University. Having to make public statements as to who flips an honorary coin at a relatively obscure football game is not really part of that primary job.

His statement today read to me as very vanilla typical speak, and I didn't really read any between-the-lines annoyance at some factions of alumni.

I'd guess (hope) that behind closed doors he is saying something a little different: "hey, people, if you don't know this already, and you should, I'm putting it to paper --- peoples A, B, C, and D --- we shouldn't publicly associate with them. Ever. Stop starting preventable wildfires that require my response."

I do think he is in it for the long-haul (e.g., he'll be at PSU for the next 5-10 years, this isn't a short-term thing like it was with President Erickson). It won't be easy.
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Bah. Your "facts" are like Perry the Platypus to my Dr. Doofenshmirtz.
Anyway, my point remains that Penn State fans live in more denial than the average twice-baked potato, which is delicious.

I'm a strong believer that their delusions & artificially created narratives need to be combated with verifiable facts. So I try to document whenever possible so we have the original source available when needed.

That being said I have a strong suspicion that there are piles of snuff films from the 70's hidden in the Paterno basement.
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I'm a strong believer that their delusions & artificially created narratives need to be combated with verifiable facts. So I try to document whenever possible so we have the original source available when needed.

That being sad I have a strong suspicion that there are piles of snuff films from the 70's hidden in the Paterno basement.

Joe was just an old man, he couldn't know what a "snuff" film even was. Hell, he may not have been intellectually capable of knowing what "film" was by that point in his life.

Probably just holding them as a no-questions-asked favor for someone else. Thats just the kind of saint he was.
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To add injury to insult with the number of times I've read beat Nebraska on the this site.... it was Nebraska that beat them LOL


Sounds good to me.
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The Pedsters want to know if Joey Bosa is a dirty player. Any guess what the Pedsters concluded? I am strongly hoping that Bosa punches Hackenberg in the balls, then rakes his eyes in this year's game while multiple referees stand there and do nothing. Pedster meltdowns about the refs are always hilarious.

This is the kind of truth telling you can only get from a fanbase who knows how to search for FAX and EVIDENTS
I think more qbs get shoulder injuries playing OSU, than against any other team.
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