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Penn State Cult (Joe Knew)

This is the kind of truth telling you can only get from a fanbase who knows how to search for FAX and EVIDENTS
I think more qbs get shoulder injuries playing OSU, than against any other team.

You missed the next line of that post:

I think the Virgina Tech QB got knocked out of there game this year when some guy fell on him with all of his weight.

So, our defensive players are supposed to knock you down, and not wrap-up the tackle? I thought that was how you tackle? Wrap up and bring the guy down.
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Ugh that thread has degenerated into "Big Ten hates us! See 1994!!!"

1994 was just a perfect storm though, you had:

-Our new neighbors Peetzed off at us for beating BOTH their golden boys & accomplishing something (an undefeated season) that neither of them had for over a quarter century to that point.

-Our old neighbors still RAW at us for not playing them any more (we'd cut them off 2 years prior, with negative financial & recruiting implications for most of them, since no more TV game at Beaver Stadium or PSU fans filling up THEIR place one game every 2 years), which included 1 in Maryland, 2 in New Jersey, and not one but TWO Pitt alumni (including former AD employee Beano Cook , who would have voted for Osama Bin Laden before voting for Penn State), the same way they would have heat for Miami/Boston College/BC after those schools stopped playing them a decade later.

-Lack of internet/wide availability of national TV coverage of games, so most voters were going off of a box score in the next day's newspaper, which was great for Tom Osborne running up the score in every game, but not so much for Joe pulling the starters after the first series of the third quarter (even the OSU game he called off the dogs, we could have scored 100+ if we wanted to, that game was 49-0 five minutes into the second half).

-The HORRIFIC choke job by Michigan on THIS play, which if it doesn't happen, by itself would have given us the AP title even WITH the weasley Big Ten voters stabbing us in the back (if that hail mary fails short, UM is #1 when PSU beats them at the Big House and the Buffs are probably barely top 10 when they go down at Nebraska, so our win would have been even more impressive, while in contrast Nebraska's would have been markedly less so.

That last bullet point might be my favorite "Big Ten Conspiracy" argument I've ever seen. It sounds like he's implying that Michigan allowed Kordell Stewart to throw and complete that Hail Mary just so they (Michigan) wouldn't be #1 when Penn State played them later that year. Instead, Colorado was a highly-ranked team (#1?) when Nebraska beat them. Does Nebraska play Penn State this year? Maybe that's why they allowed BYU to complete that Hail Mary against them. Of course, BYU later lost to Michigan, propping up Michigan's perception. I think this is a valid theory. I'm buying in.
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Ugh that thread has degenerated into "Big Ten hates us! See 1994!!!"

That last bullet point might be my favorite "Big Ten Conspiracy" argument I've ever seen. It sounds like he's implying that Michigan allowed Kordell Stewart to throw and complete that Hail Mary just so they (Michigan) wouldn't be #1 when Penn State played them later that year. Instead, Colorado was a highly-ranked team (#1?) when Nebraska beat them. Does Nebraska play Penn State this year? Maybe that's why they allowed BYU to complete that Hail Mary against them. Of course, BYU later lost to Michigan, propping up Michigan's perception. I think this is a valid theory. I'm buying in.

I love it when those threads degenerate into the conspiracy theories about 1994. Pedster tears are hilarious.
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Ugh that thread has degenerated into "Big Ten hates us! See 1994!!!"

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You missed the next line of that post:

So, our defensive players are supposed to knock you down, and not wrap-up the tackle? I thought that was how you tackle? Wrap up and bring the guy down.

Hey, you bastard. The game is "football, not hurt ball!!!" :lol:

PSUFN: "I have no problem with playing hard, but the game is football not hurt ball!!! As some other poster stated, I very rarely see a flag get thrown on the OSU players."
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Hey, you bastard. The game is "football, not hurt ball!!!" :lol:

PSUFN: "I have no problem with playing hard, but the game is football not hurt ball!!! As some other poster stated, I very rarely see a flag get thrown on the OSU players."

From 2014 OSU-PSU box score:
Penalties: OSU 8-70, PSU 4-42

Penalties PSU 2-10, OSU 6-49
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Any time that gets brought up on BWI, they are quick to counter it: "It's the TIMING of the penalties! If we pick up a critical third down, they call holding on us. But the only penalties they call on Ohio State is for false start on second and one."

Heh - didn't they get called for roughing the snapper in 2013? That probably made their pumpkins toasted. Of course, we got called for the same thing against Michigan - 2006? But what respectable Penn State fan would admit to knowing anything about THAT game?
Then there's the offsides on the onsides kick against Michigan last year. Their "evidence" to the bad call is an angle WAY down field. From that angle, all of the Michigan players appear to be on the Penn State side of the ball, too. Why don't they show the angle of the camera that was right next to Jesse James?
Here's the one angle:

And the other: (added lines NOT by me)

Blah. Do a Google image search for "Penn State Bad Referee". Enjoy.
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I liked the one where their dumb fuck LB tackled the long snapper trying to cover a punt and they claimed he was being blocked.

The guy trying to cover a kick (as in run down and tackle the ball carrier) was blocking their,...well...blocker, and they both just tangled up and fell to the ground.

They were of course completely serious
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Heh - didn't they get called for roughing the snapper in 2013? That probably made their pumpkins toasted. Of course, we got called for the same thing against Michigan - 2006? But what respectable Penn State fan would admit to knowing anything about THAT game?

It was called during a game this past weekend. I don't remember which one now, but I laughed for a good 15 minutes thinking back to their faux outrage when it was called against them.
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