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Penn State Cult (Joe Knew)

Good to see you still around, 409Fold. I thought perhaps the Cult tracked you down and you had to go into hiding after your dual identity was discovered and posted on Twitter.

One positive aspect of last Saturday's train wreck ---- people have (for the moment) generally stopped talking about the Sandusky thing.

Besides, I do like to talk football, so even I was on BWI with my alterego the last few days. I think if I just talk 100% football and stay away from the other stuff for the next several months, things will be fine.
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And, btw, is their o-line really that bad, or do they secretly have something against poor Sackenberg? I actually experienced a millisecond long moment of pity for him around the 8th or 9th sack (lost track, actually) and then instantly remembered that nobody made him play for PedState. He had a choice. He chose to stay. Live and learn. Sometimes the lesson is harsh.

I watched Ohio State last night --- Virginia Tech of course recorded zero sacks but there were several times where the QB was pressured. I was thinking to myself, "you know, if that was Hackenberg, VT has 4 or so sacks."

Point being: the 10 sacks is really an aggregation of things. Yes, the OL has struggled. But Hackenberg simply has no pocket awareness, and limited mobility. He can't blame all 10 sacks on the OL --- he'd get sacked a lot even on a team with a good OL.

Another indictment on Hackenberg: PSU led 10-0 midway through the 2nd quarter and there was one play where Hackenberg had plenty of time. A WR was wide-open for a sure TD, but Hackenberg overthrew him. That's a throw that ANYONE with NFL aspirations simply HAS to make. And he missed it. And the thing is: make that pass and now it's 17-0 PSU and I don't think it's unreasonable to speculate that Penn State now WINS the game. Being 3-scores-down would have been tough for Temple.

Also: because Hackenberg missed that pass, PSU now had to punt. Nyeem Wartman, who was a linebacker that I was VERY high on for 2015 got hurt on the punt. Unfortunately, it is a season-ending injury for Wartman. Temple struggled on offense for the first 1.5 quarters but really began to exploit the PSU defense without Wartman there as the MLB: the replacement Gary Wooten simply was not good at all.

PSU had a good defense in 2014 and much of that was because of the excellent MLB Mike Hull. Hull wasn't physically awesome, but he had very good football IQ. I honestly thought that Wartman could approach Hull's levels. So one could also speculate that Hackenberg failing to make that one throw led to (a) PSU losing, and (b) PSU's defense, which was expected to be a team strength, suffering a key loss for the rest of the season.
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after derping and putting this in the wrong thread

Taken from the MSU v Oregon Reddit thread

PSU FAN: Different formations each play? Can we borrow your OC?
MSU FAN: Which one? Jim Boleman or Dave Warner? We are running with 2 "co-offensive coordinators" and 2 "co-defensive coordinators".
PSU FAN: I'll take Bolemans 7 year old nephew for fucks sake. Donovan sucks.

Welp Ped State is broken. Good job world.
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From bwi on burying the game film:

Well-Known Member

Aug 20, 2010
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Honorjoe, PA
When the come back to practice tomorrow, all the artificial turf will be dead. :)

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