Now that is a broad question

Yeah. But if any of them can be accessed during mardi gras is another story all together.
And unless he is both coming and leaving on Fat Tuesday, he is "coming to Carnival". I would hate for him to make a feaux pax of that magnitude. :p I assume he will be here the whole weekend leading up to the Shrove Monday celebrations ("Lundi Gras") and Mardi Gras itself.
Despite what people think, Mardi Gras is a family thing in this city, and the nudity and drunkedness are not at all what it is about for the locals. His buddies need to be aware that despite the press, cops have no love for either. What you can get away with on Bourbon is not what they will allow on St. Charles.
I don't think your boy is a jerk, that is just my pull-the-string message whenever it comes up.