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2024 Countdown Thread


National Champion
All American
Team MVP

Jim Otis


Scottie Graham

His name is spelled "Scotty" and "Scottie" in the record book, depending on what section you're in, but the Columbus Dispatch always spelled it with the "ie" back in the day. Another Buckeye fullback who would have won his share of post-season honors if fullbacks had been considered for such. On 3rd and long, John Cooper would almost always call a draw. There were several times he was asked about a great call that resulted in a first down, but he never took the bait. He always admitted that his thought was to "run a draw and punt, but ol' Scottie bailed me out". I remember a 3rd and 18 that Scottie turned the "run a draw and punt" into a first down against, IIRC, Purdue one year. Those conversions were the small victories that we had to content ourselves with during some of those years. Scottie may not be a hall of famer, but he was easy to cheer for and was a great Buckeye at a time when there wasn't much to cheer for (by Buckeye standards).
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USC Trojans (official thread)

Lincoln Riley is a pussy.

He admittedly ran away from a chance to coach in the SEC (and likely would not have gone to USC if he had known they were going to the B1G).
He admittedly has been trying for 2 years to remove LSU from the 2024 schedule.
No he's admitting to being OK with removing Notre Dame from the schedule.

What a fucking pansy.
What do you expect after being named after logs?
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Thread of What You've Eaten, Cooked and/or Drunk Lately

View attachment 41675
With apologies to Thump, who I am sure considers Dubs a psychopath based on his choice of dishes, I made chicken tacos tonight using an Asian technique on the chicken, but with more taco appropriate seasoning. Was pretty tasty.
Fusion rocks. Made carnitas tacos just now using left over country style ribs that had been slowed cooked in a Carolina sauce (fuck tomatoes! lol).
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