Unfortunately, I think Day needs somebody to keep his mind right.
That person was supposed to be Chip, however, he was along for the ride for the Sat debacle.
Day definitely needs checked in on. I don't mean this as a bad thing. Many high functioning corporate people need counseling to talk them off the ledge.
It seems to be that Day has a hang up with showing the world how tough he and his team are. All it seems to take is a little prodding, and he falls for the bait.
This past Saturday did not need to happen and should not have happened, if somebody was in his ear forcing him to think through all the scenarios, which in his case he reasoned that the best way to win was the one through the greatest resistance. That was one of the most self destructive coaching efforts that I can recall in CFB.
If its true that OSU was building on Chips blue print the entire season, and all of sudden on Scum week, Day decided to invert himself into the picture and change things up, almost completely, there are no words. Day's insecurity is slowly killing the program. That cannot happen.
Day already agreed to step away from play calling. He obviously needs a constant reminder.
Ultimately Bjork needs to get involved. Become more supportive and also be a presence. Or find somebody to fill that. Possibly bring on Tress to be a mentor. Either Day will resist and flee, which is fine, or he will do better when he has somebody keeping his emotions in check.