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Zach Smith (Official Thread)

Some quotes from the dispatch story:

Smith told Officer Ben Boruchowitz that she was making the report on Oct. 26, 2015, because Zach Smith, then an Ohio State assistant football coach, had come to her Powell condominium the night before and started verbally abusing her, then pushed her into a wall and took their young son with him against her objections.
I guess she forgot to include the choking part to the police at the time that she later recounted in the Stadium interview.

"The victim states that last year, the suspect choked her until she could not breathe," the narrative report said.
Presumably related to the picture of the mark on her neck that was released in the McMurphy story.

The one-page narrative details several other incidents, including in October 2014 when she claimed Zach Smith "cut her hand open with a tin can causing significant bleeding." She showed Boruchowitz photographs that she said were from the attack.
Also a photo from the McMurphy story.

In January 2015, she said, Smith "threw her into a wooden stair causing significant bruising and swelling." Boruchowitz was again shown photographs Courtney Smith said were from the incident, according to the report.
Presumably the bruised elbow photo from the McMurphy story.

Just laying out the specific details of the incidents. As I mentioned earlier today, the people who say that Zach Smith “repeatedly beat” or “slapped around” Courtney Smith are not supported by her own allegations.
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Right? Even at $1600 / hour and $500K for the job, you have to think about how those passages must read. I’m sure it’s professional, but may be very damning to her character.

I’m almost certain that there are statements in there that detail the committee’s view on the veracity of CS’s story. Putting one and one together, if they believed her or any of the story, it would paint Urban as an enabler who overlooked the situation — essentially grounds for dismissal with cause. If they didn’t buy her story and outlined the justification for not believing her, the committee comes off as a sham who were paid to whitewash the situation. The fact that they didn’t publish any of this suggests that they didn’t believe her either, and rather than making it public — and frankly, making her look worse — they could avoid the situation by not releasing anything related to her story. And I think it’s justifiable under the heading of: this happened outside the University domain and as such, that information is not being made pubic. All information regarding happenings within the University domain have been shared.

I want to clarify I’m trying to keep an open mind. I’m not accusing her of lying, or that some or all of her claims aren’t true (or some version of a truth).

But the fact the committee interviewed her, her mother, Zach, Zach’s mother, (and presumably his brother), among all the witnesses and published nothing that corroborates her side of the story i think says something.

If the committee could have recommended firing Urban for cause and backed it up they would have done so.

I simply have a hard time reconciling that she apparently has no friends or family or police departments or prosecuting attorneys that will champion her version of these events on the record after ten years.

Again, that doesn’t mean Zach isn’t guilty. But it does raise questions about her credibilty, and the credibility question is paramount to whether or not one is willing to exonerate Urban.
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And... I guess while I'm on it...

And this is more a general observation than a specific retort to anyone here.... but... we know ZS and CS were going through a divorce, and from the looks of it ... a nasty one at that...

I am not at all troubled that Meyer cared about Zach and his predicament.... whether that is because of some life debt owed Earle or just because Urban cares for the people he works with every day.... you know... like our own co-workers and bosses do for us, and we do for them...

Likewise, and I speak from experience, unfortunately, on this part - I am not the least bit surprised that going through a divorce was hard on the Smith's, including Zach.. and that he missed work or was late for meetings... Are you serious? Look, full disclosure... when I was going through my divorce, I wasn't hitting on all cylinders in my professional life.... I missed work - called in sick - when I wasn't physically sick.. just mentally drained.... I asked for some leeway from my boss and he understood.. because... you know... he's a fucking human being who understands that life sometimes can be fucked up. That's all I see in the Meyer Smith relationship ... Perfectly OK to say Meyer went too far in that... it's an opinion, and not one which cannot be reasonably argued and supported... but... it's not the "no brainer" some people like to think it is.

We don't have an actual appreciation of the real relationships these people have... I mean.. DI coaches in particular... these guys are with each other virtually non stop, virtually year round. You don't think they develop relationships and care for one another? First sign of trouble they're just supposed to cut bait? Sure.. that's a possibility.. but.. not really a realistic take....

All that said, I am in the camp that thinks Urban hung on to Zach too long... but... that's just my opinion man... I'm neither Zach nor am I Urban.. and I can see relationships in my own personal life where I'd be inclined to take more risk for some people than some others. I don't anticipate I'm unique in that respect.
And to add to this, last time I checked visiting a strip club and spending your own money was not a crime. Nor is ordering sex toys. For some on this forum, those two deeds, even though urban had zero knowledge of, makes him a POS and he should have been fired.
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Correct. Nobody is going to come within ten feet of saying Courtney lied or exaggerated, despite the fact the report and subsequent text transcripts clearly indicate Urban, Shelley, Gene, and everyone else was suspicious of this and deferred to Powell police to confirm it for an actionable response.
Yes the damage would've been contained had zach stuck to raging on buckeyeplanet.
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Again, that doesn’t mean Zach isn’t guilty. But it does raise questions about her credibilty, and the credibility question is paramount to whether or not one is willing to exonerate Urban.
It seems to me like her credibility is more crucial to whether or not you believe the Powell PD properly did their jobs.

Meyer and everyone else at OSU relied on the police and planned to take additional action pending charges being filed.

Charges were never filed and additional action was not taken by OSU.

Putting yourself in the officer’s shoes the night of the 2015 incident, the claim was that Zach Smith pushed Courtney Smith into a wall the previous day, and she showed the officer a picture of a tiny cut on her thumb and a bruise on her elbow as proof of two past instances of alleged abuse.

The tiny cut on the thumb being used as proof of a past “attack” with a tin can (which people cut themselves on independently all the time) in particular seems flimsy.

The choking allegation is and has always been the most serious charge, but there was apparently no picture at the time to share with the officer, and she reported to the police that it only happened once the previous year, which she changed to include the allegation in multiple incidents during the Stadium interview, including adding it to her recollection that she did not originally include in the police report.

She also apparently erroneously claimed that Ohio State sent a lawyer to pressure her to drop previous charges, which she seems to have confused with the 2009 incident that had nothing to do with Ohio State.

Throw on top of it all that Zach Smith apparently had to return from a recruiting trip to answer questions about this, which makes the accusation that he forcefully took his child from her the day before strange at best, and it’s pretty easy to see why there was a lack of evidence at the time to move forward with charges.

Finally, Courtney herself said in the Stadium interview that 2015 was the last time Zach Smith touched her. So the police report at the time that the Dispatch just published is the extent of the allegations she made to police (outside of the additional 911 calls that all add to questions about her credibility).

Again, she added more incidents of choking in the Stadium interview to her recollection that she for some reason did not include in her report to police during the last time that she herself says that Zach Smith allegedly physically harmed her.
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