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Yahoo, Tattoos, and tOSU (1-year bowl ban, 82 scholly limit for 3 years)

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BB73;1967239; said:
That headline at first said "Ohio State receives second notice", making it sound like they've already received another Notice of Allegations, when it's apparently just a letter saying that the NCAA is still investigating. 16 minutes later it was changed to "Ohio St. still under scrutiny".

Just a guess, but I think it's probably related to Talbott and Pryor.

"Still investigating" doesn't mean that they've found anything else ... yet.

It was more bias on CFB LIve today, they talked about which conference was the best. OK, no surprise on the answer. Then they talked about which conference was second best - Andre Ware said the B1G, and then mentioned "Wisconsin, Michigan State, Iowa, Michigan, Wisconsin, Michigan State" (yeah, he mentioned Wiscy and Sparty twice). On the screen, they showed clips of Wisconsin, Nebraska, Sparty (playing TSUN), Iowa, and Illinois". No Buckeyes in the clips, even as opponents of the teams they were highlighting.

So they said something positive about the B1G, and managed not to show or mention the team that's won a share of 6 straight titles. But a few minutes later, just before they sign off, they're able to post a Ohio State banner behind the host as he mentions the Friday meeting with the NCAA, the Pat Forde article that says the NCAA is still investigating, and the fact that the investigation has cost tOSU $800,000.

That's why I love the fact that the games are actually played and when they are done predicting, they can look smug when our Buckeyes still manage to win the Big Ten. I'm actually starting to enjoy all the hate because it will make it that much sweeter when we rise above it all. It will be exceedingly difficult for prognosticators to completely ignore us when we are in the heat of the competition.

To the end of Gameday...could we please just ignore them? Everyone just avoids the area. No signs, no cheers, no acknowledgement of their existence? I know it would be tough to get everyone to comply, but it would be awesome.
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coryhulbert;1967299; said:
What the hell is Torg talking about? He's saying players are still selling stuff and he has names of the players.

Torg is a douche. I turned on the fan online this afternoon and turned it off after 10 seconds remembering why I don't listen to their obnoxious ignorant asses. Their whiny voices make my blood curl.
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BB73;1967239; said:
It was more bias on CFB LIve today, they talked about which conference was the best. OK, no surprise on the answer.
Yeah, but did they say it three times in a row? :p

BB73;1967239; said:
Then they talked about which conference was second best - Andre Ware said the B1G, and then mentioned "Wisconsin, Michigan State, Iowa, Michigan, Wisconsin, Michigan State" (yeah, he mentioned Wiscy and Sparty twice). On the screen, they showed clips of Wisconsin, Nebraska, Sparty (playing TSUN), Iowa, and Illinois". No Buckeyes in the clips, even as opponents of the teams they were highlighting.

Well, if you'd ever win the Conference, they'd have to mention you....

Yaknow, they don't even pretend to be subtle anymore, do they?
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Lou270slant;1967308; said:
Even after this was announced the "Commontwat" and the "douche" say they believe Ohio State is lying about the letter rather than Forde is wrong in his sources...un[censored]ingbelievable...why do I listen.

Yeah. Because it's so easy for an institution like Ohio State (especially now) to lie. That show appeals to the base Ohio State fan. The ones that complain because Ohio State didn't win by enough. The ones that aren't happy unless they're miserable.
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Gatorubet;1967306; said:
Yeah, but did they say it three times in a row? :p

Well, if you'd ever win the Conference, they'd have to mention you....

Yaknow, they don't even pretend to be subtle anymore, do they?

it is pretty funny actually. They can't even acknowledge that OSU is one of the teams in the mix.
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Anybody feel like ESPiN is the ex wife of Ohio State? ESPiN will say any rumor they can to take down Ohio State. Just the bitter ex wife who even sues when they don't have a leg to stand on. Out of all this Ohio State is still standing but has a black eye with the rest of the college football world. What is priceless though is ESPiN have made themselves look like the whiny ex wife bitch.

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