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BearBuck27;1885796; said:
Ooooh, those aren't pretty. More than 2 games most likely, and I agree with what someone else said earlier. I think Delaney will help levy some more punishment as well. Those were tough to read.

Two things about the letters that are horrible to me:

1. They show what looks to me like a "kids will be kids" attitude from JT: I get that he may well think that the NCAA rule against selling stuff is dumb, but he needs to be the disciplinarian here and not pop off "when will they grow up" with exclamation points.

2. There's a feel in the tone of the letters that they came from a guy in a prosecutor's office who JT knows well and that he might well be a kind of longstanding back channel informant to JT about OSU players who are fucking up regarding the law. How much else is there that we don't know about . . . yet?

I feel a lot worse for having read those than I did previously.
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Fucking attorneys with their sorry excuse for spelling and grammar. That guy would get torn to shreds if he wrote like that on BP. :shake:

Meh. Jim Tressel is human and sometimes makes the same kind of stupid ass mistakes the rest of us make. I'm disappointed in his decision-making, but I still respect the hell out of the man and am very glad he's the Ohio State football coach.
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buxfan4life;1885802; said:
What do these emails say that wasn't said by the man himself in the press conference? He outright admitted to getting these emails and how he responded to them. Yes, i think we all agree that he should have taken the first one to legal council, and the man admitted as much. But he didn't and he straight up said that was wrong.

Wow, there are some real bridge jumpers on here tonight. :shake:

Sums up how I'm feeling right now. Yes, I'm disappointed but Coach Tressel is a human and obviously did not handle this as well as we feel he should have. After reading those e-mails, I certainly would not have wanted to be in his shoes. He does not have an easy job. Thankfully, he is back next season after his suspension will be served. Finally, I think a five game suspension is a bit severe but if that is what the NCAA determines is best, the Buckeye football team will move on.:osu:
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First of all if there was any Bias in this case that would fall upon the leaker of the story rather then any of the involved parties. That brings in question motive and whatever.

Secondly, I don't see why Tressel should get any more than 2 games nor the season should be vacated. No offense to those commenting that there was no requirement of Confidentiality but if you get information from and FBI case whether it was directly from the feds your mother or uncle joe you don't go blabbing it around. So the only issue I see is he didn't properly vet the channels for legal advice. Which while major in the eyes of the NCAA it may be is a rather minor offense in the grand scheme of things.
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I just read the e-mails. I'm gonna take a hit on this, but it looks to me like the drug excuse is just that - an excuse. It was not the main focus of the e-mails. The gist of the e-mails involved the stuff that was signed and sold - possibility for free tats or cash - an about the rings and memorabilia sold or exchanged at the tat parlor.

The lawyer did not e-mail to Tress and say the players were being investigated as possible drug suspects. The lawyer in the e-mail said that they were doing exactly what they did in tat gate.

Tress looks much worse when you read this stuff. It is inexcusable. I think the penalty is too light, and I think the press conference comes off as misleading at worst, and disingenuous at best. Once people read the e-mails - the failure to report will look self serving for reasons keeping kids eligible. I do not know Tress' reasons, and you can take him at his word, but after reading the e-mails I do not buy it that it played out like it is being portrayed in the conference. I'm sorry to say it.

And I do not think that the NCAA will go along with the 2 games. I think it will be worse. And it should be. Fire away.

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I just read the e-mails. I'm gonna take a hit on this, but it looks to me like the drug excuse is just that - an excuse. It was not the main focus of the e-mails. The gist of the e-mails involved the stuff that was signed and sold - possibility for free tats or cash - an about the rings and memorabilia sold or exchanged at the tat parlor.

The lawyer did not e-mail to Tress and say the players were being investigated as possible drug suspects. The lawyer in the e-mail said that they were doing exactly what they did in tat gate.

Tress looks much worse when you read this stuff. It is inexcusable. I think the penalty is too light, and I think the press conference comes off as misleading at worst, and disingenuous at best. Once people read the e-mails - the failure to report will look self serving for reasons keeping kids eligible. I do not know Tress' reasons, and you can take him at his word, but after reading the e-mails I do not buy it that it played out like it is being portrayed in the conference. I'm sorry to say it.

And I do not think that the NCAA will go along with the 2 games. I think it will be worse. And it should be. Fire away.

Agree with you except the suspension. I think it will be the 2 games.
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I'm sorry to say this but Tressel is going to lose some of his control/authority over the program because of this situation. I don't get the impression he is comfortable when he is not completely in control.

As for my feelings toward Tressel, I don't have sympathy for him for three reasons.
1. Clarrett
2. Troy Smith
3. T.P.

Let's all pray that this is the end of TATOO gate. By the way nobody has mentioned lose of scholarships yet....
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Gatorubet;1885820; said:
I just read the e-mails. I'm gonna take a hit on this, but it looks to me like the drug excuse is just that - an excuse. It was not the main focus of the e-mails. The gist of the e-mails involved the stuff that was signed and sold - possibility for free tats or cash - an about the rings and memorabilia sold or exchanged at the tat parlor.

The lawyer did not e-mail to Tress and say the players were being investigated as possible drug suspects. The lawyer in the e-mail said that they were doing exactly what they did in tat gate.

Tress looks much worse when you read this stuff. It is inexcusable. I think the penalty is too light, and I think the press conference comes off as misleading at worst, and disingenuous at best. Once people read the e-mails - the failure to report will look self serving for reasons keeping kids eligible. I do not know Tress' reasons, and you can take him at his word, but after reading the e-mails I do not buy it that it played out like it is being portrayed in the conference. I'm sorry to say it.

And I do not think that the NCAA will go along with the 2 games. I think it will be worse. And it should be. Fire away.

I know I'll take a hit as well, but these were my exact thoughts after reading the emails, and it hurts like hell to say, even think.
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Gatorubet;1885820; said:
I just read the e-mails. I'm gonna take a hit on this, but it looks to me like the drug excuse is just that - an excuse. It was not the main focus of the e-mails. The gist of the e-mails involved the stuff that was signed and sold - possibility for free tats or cash - an about the rings and memorabilia sold or exchanged at the tat parlor.

The lawyer did not e-mail to Tress and say the players were being investigated as possible drug suspects. The lawyer in the e-mail said that they were doing exactly what they did in tat gate.

Tress looks much worse when you read this stuff. It is inexcusable. I think the penalty is too light, and I think the press conference comes off as misleading at worst, and disingenuous at best. Once people read the e-mails - the failure to report will look self serving for reasons keeping kids eligible. I do not know Tress' reasons, and you can take him at his word, but after reading the e-mails I do not buy it that it played out like it is being portrayed in the conference. I'm sorry to say it.

And I do not think that the NCAA will go along with the 2 games. I think it will be worse. And it should be. Fire away.


They can throw things at me as well then. I agree with you on all counts.
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Gatorubet;1885820; said:
I just read the e-mails. I'm gonna take a hit on this, but it looks to me like the drug excuse is just that - an excuse. It was not the main focus of the e-mails. The gist of the e-mails involved the stuff that was signed and sold - possibility for free tats or cash - an about the rings and memorabilia sold or exchanged at the tat parlor.

The lawyer did not e-mail to Tress and say the players were being investigated as possible drug suspects. The lawyer in the e-mail said that they were doing exactly what they did in tat gate.

Tress looks much worse when you read this stuff. It is inexcusable. I think the penalty is too light, and I think the press conference comes off as misleading at worst, and disingenuous at best. Once people read the e-mails - the failure to report will look self serving for reasons keeping kids eligible. I do not know Tress' reasons, and you can take him at his word, but after reading the e-mails I do not buy it that it played out like it is being portrayed in the conference. I'm sorry to say it.

And I do not think that the NCAA will go along with the 2 games. I think it will be worse. And it should be. Fire away.


Wish I could disagree with you, but I can't. +1
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From the emails... Doug Archie = creepy

There is so much of this every coach has to deal with it is crazy. No excuses what so ever, but I think JT was more concerned with his players being involved with drug dealing then them selling stuff.

No where in those emaild did I get a sense Student Athletes were in danger.... I got a full sense that JT wanted to keep this in house and he would deal with it.
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